With Great Power comes Great Responsibility

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It was a cloudy, and rainy, day throughout Queens, and Peter still couldn't swallow the fact that both Norman, and Dr Connors, died. Peter had blamed himself for what had happened. As he kept replaying the whole thing in his head. "You alright, Pete?" Uncle Ben walked in. "No. I can't help but feel all of this is my fault." Peter responded. Uncle Ben made his way towards Peter's bed, and patted an open space on the bed. "Let's have a little talk." Ben requested. "I know what you're gonna say. 'You didn't control the machines, Peter. Therefore it can't be your fault'." Peter started the conversation. "No. I wanted to give you more closure." Ben responded. "You were a real hero that day. Sure, you may not have been the one that..." Ben stopped, and noticed that Peter didn't want any description of Dr Connors' heroic sacrifice. He already saw it. "Nevermind. The point is, you knew what was wrong. And, unlike Eddie, you didn't let your pride corrupt you." Ben assured Peter. "You've always been a hero, Pete. You've made me, May, and so many other people proud, and we can't thank you enough for being one of the smartest, bravest, and kindest kids ever. However, you've gotta realize that no matter how hard you try, you can't always save everyone." Ben praised Peter. "Now, I want you to remember these 6 words for the rest of your life. With Great Power comes Great Responsibility." Ben gave Peter some of the most inspirational words he'd ever heard. "Thanks, Ben. I don't know how I will ever repay you." Peter thanked Ben. "Use the words I gave you, and apply it to everything you do." Ben assured Peter. "Good talk, son." Ben patted Peter on the back. Peter looked at Ben, and they both shared a long hug. Ben smiled, and walked out of the room.
The next day:
Dr Connors' class felt even weirder, now that Dr Connors was no longer with them. Peter was just sitting still, fidgeting with his pencil, when a girl with orange hair approached her. "Penny for your thoughts?" The girl asked. Peter pretended to accept the fake currency, and went on to explain his thoughts. "Honestly, I'm glad I did what I could, and I feel that should be enough." Peter answered. As Harry walked in, everyone stared at him, and kind of felt sorry for him. Mary-Jane, and Peter, walked up to Harry to pay their respects. "We're so sorry about what happened." Mary-Jane teared up, and gave Harry a hug. Harry started to cry on Mary-Jane's shoulder. Peter started to tear up, and joined in on the hug as well. "We're here for you, if you ever need anything." Peter assured Harry. Harry turned around, and looked at Peter. Harry started to smile a little bit, and gave Peter another big hug. "I'm so glad you're alive." Harry told Peter. "If there's anything you need, please feel free to ask." Mary-Jane assured Harry. "I just want you two, my best friends in the whole world." Harry responded. "Yo, Hair." Flash had walked up to Harry. "I'm sorry about your dad, man. Just know we're here for you." Flash assured Harry, as he gave him a pat on the back. "Thanks, Flash." Harry shook Flash's hand. "Fuck off, Parker. This ain't your business." Flash ordered Peter to go away. "Hey. He's my friend." Harry wanted Flash to back off. "You don't have to pretend to be his friend. You can't even deny it. He was in the room, and he could've saved your dad." Flash walked away, laughing. Peter's eyes widened, as he sat back in his seat. "Peter. Just to be clear, I don't blame you." Harry assured Peter. Peter smiled at Harry.
After school:
Peter and Mary-Jane were walking home from school, talking about Halloween. "Pete, we've outgrown Trick-Or-Treating." Mary-Jane wanted Peter to grow up. "But, not too old for cosplay, right?" Peter asked. "Please? I have a Darth Vader costume I've been working on all year." Peter requested. Mary-Jane let out a chuckle. "I find your lack of Halloween spirit disturbing." Peter added, impersonating Darth Vader. "You are such a dork." Mary-Jane laughed playfully punching Peter in his arm. However, the laughter stopped as soon as police officers were surrounded near Peter, and Mary-Jane's home. Peter ran over to see what was happening, and Mary-Jane joined in. Peter's eyes widened as he saw someone dead on the ground. That someone was Uncle Ben. "Uncle Ben? Uncle Ben!" Peter shouted. Ben used his last bit of strength to take Peter's hand, and tell him, "Please look after May." Those would be Ben's final words. "I will." Peter assured Ben. Ben's eyes were closing, and his head fell back. Peter's eyes were covered in tears, and his blood filled with rage. "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!" Peter shouted. The cops walked over to Peter's house, and told May what had happened. To say she was devastated would be an understatement. Peter walked home, still in tears, and spotted May crying. He dashed over to her, and gave her a hug. "I'm so sorry, May." Peter whispered. "I'm glad you're okay." May whispered back.

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