Hell is for teens

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10 years later
Queens High School for the Sciences
We see a now 16 year old Peter Parker, putting away some of his textbooks, and grabbing ones for his next classes. Out of nowhere, he got hit by a dodge-ball, and heard laughter from his bully, Flash Thompson. Peter never knew why, but Flash always loved to bully Peter. "Oh. Sorry." Flash sarcastically apologized. "Yeah, don't worry about it." Peter replied back to Flash, giving him a fake smile. Flash continued his laughter, and walked to his next class. Then, Peter put in his headphones, and started listening to his Guns N' Roses Playlist. Peter never really connected with modern music. He always loved the older bands. However, as he drifted into his music, he couldn't hear the bell ring, and was 60 seconds late to his class. Then, as he showed up, he noticed his teacher, Dr. Curtis Connors, gave him a disappointed look. "Everything alright, Doc?" Peter asked, removing his headphones. "You're late. Again." Dr. Connors answered Peter's question. "Oh, I'm sorry." Peter replied. "That's what you said the last 9 times." Dr. Connors responded. The whole class let out a short period of laughter. "Anywho, as promised, today we are all in for a treat. If you've signed your permission slips, you would know where you're going. If you didn't sign your permission slip, don't worry. There's an assignment for you to complete. Grab it on my desk, and finish it until the next class period is over. You will be put into groups of two, and will be accompanying each other, throughout the duration of the trip." Dr. Connors told the class. "Hey, Pete. Wanna join?" A boy in a white business shirt, slick orange hair, and fancy jeans, asked Peter. "You know it, Harry." Peter walked over to Harry, and high fived him. Peter and Harry had been the best of friends since the Second Grade. Harry was there for Peter after the death of his parents, and Peter was there for Harry after his mother died. They had also been really good friends with a girl in red hair, who moved from Pennsylvania, in Peter's neighborhood, 2 weeks after Peter was forced to move into Aunt May and Uncle Ben's house, named Mary-Jane Watson. Mary, Harry, and Peter were practically inseparable. They loved watching movies, spending Christmas, Trick-Or-Treating, and other activities together. Peter had always had feelings, since he first met Mary-Jane. However, she was with Harry. Peter understood, and let things be.
1 hour later
Dr. Connors's class was leaving the bus, and entering Oscorp. However, Dr. Connors was hesitant to enter. "Everything alright, Doc?" Peter asked. "I'm fine. It's just...." Dr. Connors paused, as he didn't know what to say. "Nevermind. It's not important." Dr. Connors assured Peter. Peter, Harry, and Dr. Connors walked in together. "So, Harry? I'm going to need to speak to your father for a little bit. Is that okay?" Dr. Connors asked. Harry was confused. He always showed up to class on time, had the best grades, and was highly favored by Dr. Connors. What could Dr. Connors want with his father. "Sure? Maybe? I dunno. He's probably busy." Harry responded. Peter was also very skeptical as well. "Would you need to see my Uncle?" Peter asked. "No. Ben is not involved with this. It's confidential business between me, and Norman." Dr. Connors assured Peter. "But, he's the best student in the class." Peter added.  "It's not about Harry. Or you, for that matter. Now, get in the building, and mind your damn business!" Dr. Connors lost his patience. Now, Harry, and Peter were concerned. However, they put it aside, and went with the group. As they entered, they appreciated the futuristic feel, and atmosphere, of the building. Harry was used to this. As for Peter, he never got to enter Oscorp. However, they stranded away from the group, and spotted Dr. Connors. They snuck around and followed him. They were careful to avoid detection. As they entered, there was a bunch of super suits, animals, and syringes. They were confused as to what was happening. "Curtis. I've been expecting you." Harry and Peter heard a familiar voice. The voice of the devil, Norman Osborn. "Sorry, Norman. Keep in mind, I have a class to teach." Dr. Connors apologized. "Not to worry. The recombinator is still in perfect condition." Norman assured Dr. Connors. "How have the test results been?" Dr. Connors asked Norman. "The spiders, and vultures are in check. Now, we're working on lizards." Norman answered. Peter and Harry were shocked. They couldn't believe Oscorp was using animal DNA, and using it to fix human misfunctions. "Pete. Run." Harry whispered, in a chilling tone. Peter, still crouched, ran as fast as he could out of the building. However, as he was running, he tripped, and broke a cage. A cage full of spiders. "What was that?" A chill ran down Peter's spine, as he heard Norman's voice. "Show yourself!" Norman shouted. "Harry?" Peter tried to get Harry's attention. However, he couldn't. As Peter was lying on the floor, he noticed a spider on his arm. He shook his arm to get the spider off of there. However, the spider was infuriated, and bit Peter's arm. Peter was tempted to scream, but didn't want to give his position away. So, he crawled out of the room as fast as he could. As he escaped, he couldn't help but feel bad for Harry. However, Peter snuck out of the door, and took a taxi back to school. He had had enough excitement for just one day.

Spider-ManOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora