The Spider-Man

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Peter was in his room, loathing in self pity, grief, and sadness. However, something struck him odd. He noticed that ever since he was bitten by that Spider, he could see without glasses, climb on walls, and sense danger from a mile away. That's when it hit him. He heard Ben's 6 words again, and it generated an idea. Peter worked all night on web fluid shooters, so he could travel from building to building the same way a Spider would, took a red and blue spandex, and sewed them together, decorating it with black spider webs, and a spider symbol on the chest. Peter put on the suit, and web shooters, for a test run. Peter had some struggles at first. But, by the next day, he was swinging from building to building. Then, the day after that, he was running up the Chrysler Building. He looked below from the top of the Chrysler Building, and knew that New York needed a hero. Too many crimes, muggings, robberies, and homicides to count. Peter jumped off the building, as he sensed a narcotics deal was in progress. Peter landed on the ground, startling the narcotic dealers, and started yanking their weapons away with his webs. "Who the hell is this?!" One dealer asked. "Forget questions! We have an ass that hasn't been kicked!" Another dealer ordered. However, despite their agitation towards Pete, Pete punched them all unconscious, except one. "Guess you weren't paying attention when everyone said 'Just Say No.' Now, who hired you." Peter asked, somewhat regretting his bad joke. "That would be me." Peter's eyes widened under the mask, as he heard a deep, blood chilling voice. He turned around slowly, and noticed a giant Green Elf on a glider. "What kind of Elf are you?" Peter asked, in a shaky tone. "I'm not an Elf. I'm a Goblin!" The Goblin corrected Peter. "Okay, Mr Goblin, I don't know if you're from another planet, but organizing drug deals is illegal." Peter warned the Goblin. "I don't pay attention to rules." The Goblin responded, flying towards Peter's direction. Peter ran as fast as he could. But, even he couldn't outrun the Goblin. The Goblin scooped Peter up, and started laughing, in a maniacal tone. "Please! Put me down, or I'll call the cops!" Peter warned the Goblin, yet again. The Goblin flew him and Peter all the way to the Empire State Building, and threatened to drop him. "First, and final, warning, insect..." The Goblin started, as he moved Peter up to his level. "...stay out of my way." The Goblin finished. The Goblin let go of Peter as he was sent falling to his death. "Joke's on you, I can web swing!" Peter reversed the roles, as he kicked the bottom of the Goblin's glider. The Goblin slipped off the glider, and was falling to his demise. However, Peter wanted to question the Goblin. So, Peter webbed up the Goblin, so he could fall safely, but not attack him. "Who are you? And where are you from?" Peter asked. Catch my glider, then I'll start talking." The Goblin demanded. "So you can fly around, and terrorize this city? No way." Peter saw through the Goblin's scheme. "No. The answer to who I am is on the glider." The Goblin corrected. Peter dashed all the way to catch the glider, and returned it back to the Goblin. "You've got your toy. Now, talk." Peter demanded. "My name is on the Glider." The Goblin pointed out. Peter looked around, the Glider. But, he saw no name. Just the Oscorp logo. But, that could've just been where he liberated the equipment. Suddenly, out of nowhere, the Goblin transformed into a man. Not just any man. It was Norman Osborn. "You just couldn't keep your nose clean, could ya?" The deep voice was in control of Norman's body. However, Peter through a grenade at Norman, but he dodged it. So, Peter did the next best thing. He punched the Goblin jn the head. The punch knocked out Norman. Or, was it the Goblin that he knocked out? "Agh!" Norman returned to his physical, and mental form. "Where am I? Who are you?" Norman asked, as he had no memory of the Goblin. "Norman?" Peter asked. Peter then grabbed Norman, and swung him back to his appartment. "Get some rest. And avoid the news." Peter advised Norman. "What?" Norman was confused as to why he should avoid the news. Peter swung away. If this is what thr first day of being a vigilante in New York is like, he didn't want any more parts of it. Norman was lying on the couch, drinking his water, when he noticed the Daily Bugle was on. "J. Jonah Jameson here to report on a grizzly incident that happened in Midtown, right near the Empire State Building! On the scene is our newest reporter, Mary-Jane Watson." Jameson stopped talking, and the camera switched to Mary-Jane. Norman looked a little confused. "Thank you, Jonah. I'm here right next to the Empire State Building where a new vigilante, dressed as a spider was attacked by a giant Green Elf." Mary-Jane started the report. "Goblin!" The mind of the Goblin took over Norman's brain again. Then, he morphed back into the Goblin, and walked closer to the TV. "This Goblin man was seen attacking not only the spider vigilante, but Norman Osborn, who just so happens to be alive." Mary-Jane added. "That. Girl." The Goblin said, in a slow, and chilling, manner, as he licked the screen. "She's our first victim." The Goblin assured himself, with a giant grin on his face. All of a sudden, the Goblin transformed back into Norman. "Thank you Mrs Watson. Our new public enemy number one is the Green Goblin! Also, effective as soon as possible, there is a manhunt for this new Spider-Man! Or, as we shall now address him, the Spider Menace! His worthless carcass will prevent the last thing we need: Vigilantism!" Jameson passionately shouted. "Good night. And God help us all." Jameson ended the show. All of a sudden, Harry walked in, and noticed his dad on the couch. "Dad?" Harry exclaimed. "Harry?" Norman responded, in a confused tone. Harry rushed over to hug Norman, with tears streaming down his face. "Why are you excited to see me?" Norman asked. "Dad. There's no easy way to say this. But, you died." Harry answered. "I did?" Norman asked, frightened. "Yes. You and Dr Connors died in an explosion." Harry added. Norman thought to himself, as he couldn't believe Dr Connors was dead. However, the memories from the Goblin helped him remember killing Connors. "First I've heard of it." Norman answered. "Well, after Thanksgiving, I'll be sure to hunt down that ugly Green Goblin." Harry assured Norman. The Goblin's conscious returned into Norman's body, and almost threatened to kill Harry. However, Norman regained control, and stopped this.

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