The funeral

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May, Peter, Mary-Jane, and Harry were all wearing black dresses to commemorate Ben. This was too much to handle for Peter. After the funeral, May shared some important words with Peter. "Peter. Whatever you do, don't try to hunt this man down. Don't let hatred consume you, Peter. What that man did is horrible. But, you're not." May warned Peter. "Yes, Aunt May." Peter assured her. May's teary eyes looked at Peter, and they both shared a long hug.
The next day at school:
Everyone was just carrying on with their normal stuff. They didn't even bother to check on Peter. However, one other person did. "Parker. I heard you couldn't save your uncle. Should've been you." Flash heartlessly attacked Peter. However, Peter turned around, grabbed Flash by his shoulders, and slammed him into the lockers. Flash had a scared look in his eyes, and started to regret everything. However, Peter heard May's wise words. "Don't let hatred consume you." May's voice snuck into Peter's conscious mind. Peter let go of Flash, and walked away. Everyone just looked at Flash, and gave him the death glare. How could anyone heartlessly make fun of someone dying? He at least paid respects after Norman died. Why did he hate Peter so much? Some things we must never know.

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