| 5 | The beginning

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A/N: I KNOW IM LATE FOR THE UPDATE, BUT HEAR ME OUT- I wanted to post this on Christmas eve to wish all of you who celebrate a merry Christmas :) Consider it as a little gift perhaps? <3

Namjoon's POV:

I noticed that it had begun to rain again during the afternoon and decided to head over to Sangan again, as I had nothing better to do.

It didn't take long for my peace to get disturbed though, of course, See Yeon had to step in. The moment I had sat down on the bench to admire the view of the park, forgetting to have brought an umbrella again, I received a text message.

<<I'm with Jin and his Gf at the coffee shop in Sangan station rn, Jin said he wants to see you. You better hurry your ass up here>>

I sighed and directly made myself on the way to them. Being able to see Jin again wasn't that bad, He was really fun to hang out with. Although his Loud personality could be irritating at times.

As I arrived in front of the coffee shop pretty quickly, I looked around for a place where I could safely put my bicycle. The street lamp seemed like a good spot, and just like that I pulled out the lock to Protect my White Bicycle for it to stay in place, but I struggled at first. I never really was skilled when it came to handy stuff, Things always seemed to break once they touched my hands for some reason.

After struggling for a good while and getting the lock done, I finally entered the Place

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After struggling for a good while and getting the lock done, I finally entered the Place. The coffee shop gave off an old-style vibe, having lots of plants around and Jazz music playing from the cassette player on the Counter. It wasn't hard to spot my sister and the others because Jin was basically ripping his arm off with how he was waving. I couldn't help but smile.

"I'm sorry for taking so long, My bicycle got stuck on the lock.." Jin greeted me with a tight hug that almost made me choke. After that I sat down next to my Sister and looked over to the three individuals in front of me, them being Jin, his Girlfriend Soo-ah, and...

The rain girl?

The expression on my face was clearly in confusion.

"This is my brother Kim namjoon. I suppose you've already seen each other?" Soo Yeon introduced me to her as she just nodded in agreement.

"She's my soon to be sister-in-law you know?" Jin had a proud look on his face while he wrapped his arm around her.

"Ah, yeah...nice to meet you" Still quite startled, I bowed down to her. All she did was bow back and that was all we really said to each other.

The rain girl was Jin's Girlfriend's Sister and went to my school? Now, these were quite some coincidences.

There was so much I wanted to ask her, but again, I kept quiet as I silently took a sip out of the coffee I ordered and listened to the others talking. The girl didn't seem interested in their talk but instead kept staring out the rainy glass wall. It's like she was living in her own world. It didn't take long for me to get sucked into it as well, I hadn't even noticed that I started looking out too, letting my thoughts roam free.

Our little rainy place ||| KNJ X READER &lt;3 Where stories live. Discover now