Background History

19 0 0

Age 7*
Sveeden Smitten(SS) (Main Man)

SS: "You have grown to be such a valuable asset to us my little one. Today we will start the trials that will change you completely. But not to fear little one, it is for the best that these trials happen. We have one goal and you will fulfill it; You will become the next Winter Soldier."

All I could do was stand there and shake my head.
Master doesn't like when I speak without being spoken too.

I don't know what a Winter soldier is but it sounds scary. I don't wanna become whatever he has in mind.

We are currently walking to the trial lab.

Every time I come to the trial lab it's usually for blood samples, however every time I'm in the room I can hear screaming coming from the room beside us.

I'm pretty sure the screams I've been hearing are coming from a man who seems like he's in an incredible amount of pain. I can't imagine what's happening to him but knowing HYDRA it's not good.

"Ahh there's are little one. Go ahead and put her in the chair. We will start the procedure as soon everything is in place" said Dr. Jamin as soon as we walked through the door.

Master walked me over to the chair, locked me in with restraints, and left to go talk to the Dr. "Do not try anything during this procedure that can possibly kill her. She already has powers, we just want to expand them. Don't fuck this up or I will kill you." I faintly heard master say those words. What does he mean by I already have powers, I feel pretty normal.

The Dr started walking towards me with a tray full of syringes with a gold looking liquid in it. He motioned for the guards to bring in a weird looking machine with cables all around it.

" Put the cables on the girl, make sure they are on her good and tight." The Dr said to his men, then he looked at me.

"I need you to keep this in your mouth" he held out a mouth guard and then put it in my mouth. "Start the machine." He said to the men behind me.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw a man with something metal on him walk in and stand next to Master. He looks dead inside.

The Dr held up the first syringe and announced " Injection one". He then inserted the needle into my skin, pushed the liquid into my veins and told the men to put the voltage to 100. 

"On the count of three pull the lever" said the Dr.

Before the doc started counting the instant feeling of my skin burning began. I don't know what they put in me but it doesn't feel to good. My breath became rapid and my heart felt like it was gonna beat out of my chest.

"One...". The Dr started "Two...".Three...Pull the lever." At the sound of three, the men behind me pulled the lever to the machine up and instant jolts of electricity filled my body. The pain was endless, I couldn't help but scream.

"Injection 2" said the doctor as he held up the second syringe and then stuck it in my arm again. The second shot made the pain even worse. I could literally feel my skill crawling and burning. "Turn the voltage up to 150."

At this point in time I really wish they would have killed me, anything is better than the excruciating pain I'm feeling right now. My screams never subsided.

"Would you like us to proceed with the final injection sir?" Said the Dr. to my Master. I could feel the eyes of everyone in the room trained on me.

 "Proceed" said Master.

"Final injection" said the Dr as he held up the last syringe. Before he stuck the last needle in my arm he looked at me and silently whispered to me too , "Stop fighting." Then stuck the last injection in me and instructed the men to up the voltage to 200.

The last injection made me feel like I was going to die. My screams became louder which didn't seem possible and my grip on the chair became tighter. It felt like I was in that chair for hours.

When they finally turned the death machine off, my vision became dark and sleep consumed me but just before my body shut off, I saw sparks come off my body.

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