Background History

18 0 0

Age: 14

"Strip" yelled Master. 

"Do you know what we do to little girls who disobey." He said as I started to undress myself.

 " Yes Sir" I said afraid that if I said too much I would get in even more trouble then I already am. Let's just say that Master doesn't like when people try to hit him.

I stayed in my bra and underwear.; these men in here are not bout to see me in my birthday suit.

Thank god Winters not in here, that would be quite embarrassing . Usually Master would send winter in my cell to punish me and let me just say, being hit by his metal hand is not something I find enjoyable.Over time however, I've come to realize that he's not too bad on the eyes.

"Get in" he said as he pointed to a large square metal container that was filled with water. I know exactly what's gonna happen, just not what he's gonna use.

I did as I was told and got into the tank of water. 

"Sit down" master said to me then looked at his men and told them to get the cables and machine.

Once the men came back with the machine and cables, master instructed them to clamp the cables onto the metal container. "Handcuff her to the chain", master told his men and pointed to the long chain that hung down from the ceiling.

One of the guards yanked my hands up while the other one grabbed the chain and chained my hands up. I was currently sitting on my calves to relieve some pressure from my arms.

"Before we continue with your punishment, I thought we might just give you something to remind you of who you belong too." Right as he said that a man with a long case that had the hydra symbol on it, walked in; but he wasn't alone, right behind him walked in Winter.


The man with the case walked behind me somewhere while Winter stood in the corner. Something was up with him, he kind of had that look that was like " Im scared/worried but I'm too scared to show it" kind of look. He looked at me for a brief second then back to the wall behind me.

Just with that brief second of looking into his eyes, I could tell that he wasn't in winter soldier mode , he was hiding his emotions, so they wouldn't fry his brain again.

Suddenly I heard a whoosh kind of sound come from behind me. " I hope today will teach you a valuable lesson girl." "One thing you need to understand is that you obey me" he said pointing to himself. "You obey him" he said pointing towards Winter. "And you certainly obey all of my other men here" he said lastly.

Master finally shut up and then walked directly behind me to where I could feel his breath fan on me. I heard another pair of footsteps start to walk behind me and stand next to master.

I'm gonna assume it was master who moved my hair from my back and put it in front of me. Master slowly bent down to where I could hear him and said " You may think you are strong girl but you're not. The only thing you are is fucking stupid."

He then bent back up and said to whoever was behind me to proceed. 

Proceed with what? 

As I was distracted, I felt the excruciating pain of the skin on my left shoulder literally melting and burning. I didn't scream, I just closed my eyes and grit my teeth together, I was not about to give master the satisfaction of my screams.

However a few moans and whimpers did come out, I mean my skin was literally being branded at the moment.

"Your mine bitch" whispered master.  "Now turn on the machine, put it on 300." Master told his men. The soldiers quickly turned on the machine and waiter for masters command to flip the switch. 

"Proceed" he said coldly. Instantly the men flip the switch up and filled my body with electricity.

As the electricity crawled up my skin, I started to scream. The pain is so unimaginable.

A few minutes has went by and I'm still be electrocuted. 

I beginning to get angry and something weird is happening to me. It's like I can feel the currents climbing up and down my body.

But it's not just that, it's like pressure  that I just need to let go of. My grip on the chains get tighter and suddenly, bolts of electricity started coming out of my chained hands.

All I can think of is every person that has ever done me wrong in this god forsaken hell hole. It's infuriating.

In the back of my mind all I can hear the yelling of masters men, but then, a quick flash of someones face makes me open my eyes.

As I look around the room, I can see that more than half of the soldiers that were in the room are on the floor and look unconscious .Well all of the soldiers except one; Winter. He was just standing there in awe, almost like he couldn't believe what he had just saw. 

Then realization hit him and he ran out the door to get who I assume was master because he wasn't in the room.

All I feel is rage when I see Winter walk back into the room with our master.

Master was holding a syringe and was coming at me with it. I felt a prick in my neck and started to feel drowsy. It honestly felt good, all that electricity wore me out.

Before my body shut off completely I heard master tell winter to get me out of the cuffs and take me to my cell.

Then everything went dark.

I wake up to the feeling of someone trying to pull the covers up to cover my top half. I opened my eyes to see no other than winter himself sitting right next to me.

I jolted up, brought my legs to my chest and said "Please don't hurt me" while looking at him

He looked at me with guilt and said "I'm not going to hurt you, I just need to check your wound." he motioned to my shoulder.

 "Yes Sir" I said.

I never really know which Winter Soldier I'm going to get each day.

I grabbed the covers and covered my exposed body then slowly turned around to where he could have access to my brand.

He moved my hair from my back, with little force might I add. "I'm going to put some alcohol on it then bandage it ok?" He said as if he was asking me for permission.

 What the fuck is happening.

 "Yes Sir" I said once again.

He then continued to do whatever he was doing and then once he was done he told me "It's going to take a bit for that to heal, try not to move it a lot and definitely try not to get into anymore trouble." He said calmly. 

"Yes Sir" I said lastly hoping he would leave so I can figure out what the fuck is going on.

Winter then sighed and opened the door to leave. 

Maybe tomorrow will be better.

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