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Nat, Wanda, and I still haven't left for the party yet. Nat wanted to take a few pictures of us together but then ended up taking over 100.

I went to sit down on my bed while the two princesses take their pictures. I couldn't help but think back on what Steve did and why he was acting so strange.

I wouldn't have reacted the way I did if he would have just patted me on the shoulder or something. Steve knows why I don't like being touched a lot, hell he's even helped me open up about it. But what he did today was not like him at all.

I know I should probably ask him himself but I just can't do that right now. Maybe if I ask the girls they might know something.

"Hey, umm, do either of you know why Steve has been acting so weird lately? Something happened today and it just wasn't like him to act in such a way."

I looked up at them when it got quiet. Both Nat and wands eyes were wide as they looked at one another. Finally Nat broke eye contact with Wanda and looked at me.

"He's been going through a lot at the moment B. I'm sure he just wasn't in the right mindset and didn't even realize what he was doing." I shook my head as I listened to Nat.

"Let's just forget about the stress of life for a bit and go party. B it's your birthday, let's go have some fun for once", Wanda  said with a kind voice. I hate how convincing she is.

"Fine, but only for a little bit. I don't wanna be down there with people I don't know all night."

"Sounds good, let's go before Tony comes up here to drag you down to the party", Wanda said while we all walked towards my door.

"Yea, I definitely don't want that happening", I replied while laughing.

While we were making our way to the elevator, I felt a strange feeling, like someone was watching me. It's probably nothing but I still have that weird feeling in my stomach.

"So B, I made a plan on what's going to happen tonight", Nat said to me as we walked into the elevator and pushed the button to go down.

I looked at her, then at Wanda, and then back to her again. These two definitely have some weird shit planned and I have a feeling I'm not going to like it. I nodded my head, signaling her to continue.

"Ok so, when we get down there Tony and the group is more than likely gonna surround you with "happy birthdays". After that though, we are going to get drunk out of our minds, find all of us a man, well not Wanda but me and you yes, and get laid because I haven't slept with anyone since Tony's last party, Wanda still hasn't slept with vis, and you, you just need to get laid period." Nat said bluntly.

"Ok, One, I'm ok with the drinking but not too much, Two, I don't need to find a man, and Three like I said earlier, I don't need or want to get laid."

Just as I finished my sentence, the elevator doors opened and was hit with the sight of a bunch of people standing in the way.

"When will you stop being such a party pooper and let loose for once", Nat said loudly as we made our way through people.

Just as Nat said, right when we got to the middle of the room, everyone started coming at me and telling me happy birthday, the first person being Tony.

I turned around to Nat and mouthed " We will talk later" and turned back around to all the people around me.

I said my thanks to everyone and turned around to talk to Nat but she wasn't there. I was about to go look for her but before I could, I heard a voice that belonged to the one and only, Thor of Asgard, or as I like to call him "Point Break", and yes I got that from Tony.

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