Birthday Bash

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"Surprise, Happy Birthday Bolts." I'm instantly awake and ready to hit. 

When I come to my senses I realize everyone is in my room

"What the hell guys" I say then look at my clock and see that it's only 8 o'clock in the god damn morning. "You couldn't have done this, gee I don't know, maybe 2 hours from now."

"Quit being such a buzzkill and get up, we have things to do." Natasha said as she climbed into my bed, Wanda right behind her.

I glare at them for a second then put my head in my hands and sigh. 

I open my eyes, head still in hands, and realize i'm only in a crop top with no bra on and in my boxers.

I pull the covers up a bit more to cover my body more and look back up at the team. Most have already left my room but Nat, Wanda, Peter, Steve, and Tony are still here.

"Umm guys, hate to break up this meeting but can't we finish this in the kitchen and when I'm actually in clothes." I say in a bored tone.

Peter and Steve start too blush as they instantly turn around saying things in the distance like "see you down there." However Tony just stands there and starts talking.

"So I've decided what we are doing for your birthday." He stated in an excited tone.

"Tony, can't we talk about this lat..." I started to say but was cut off.

"Shhhh, as I was saying, i've decided that I'm going to throw a party and before you ask yes there will be a lot of people there and no you can not back out of this."

I just sat there and said nothing. There is no point arguing with a wall. "Fine, now can you all leave now so I can get dressed." I said to everyone, looking at Nat and Wanda meaning I meant for them to get out as well.

They sighed as they exited my room, closing the door on the way out. Finally alone, I got up and headed for the shower. I took off my clothes then got in the extremely hot water. I was just gonna wash my hair but then I remembered that Tony was going to have that stupid party. So that means I have to shave everything


Fully shaved and smelling nice, I went to my closet to see what I wanted to wear. I don't wanna get fully dressed right now so I just threw on an oversized hoodie and some grey sweatpants, and of course I had to have my fuzzy socks.

I honestly can't believe it's been a whole year since I was saved. I find it kind of funny how I don't exactly remember my birthday, so we just use the day I was saved as my birthday.

I was making my way out of my room when I saw a bunch of construction workers working on a room down the hall from me. Maybe Tony's just decorating since he has the money to blow. It's kinda weird though because it's only me on this floor so why would he work on another down the hall.

I'm not gonna worry about it too much since it's probably tony just messing around.

I get into the elevator and press the button to the main area. When the doors open I only see a few avengers. I'm pretty sure Clint is at his house, Thor and his brother are on Asgard, Bruce is probably down in the lab, and I can't seem to find Steve.

I walk up to tony, who just so happened to be in the room and asked where Steve was.

"He's been busy dealing with some problems, might not be up here till the party."

"What the hell, why didn't he tell me."I exclaimed.

"Look just don't go and bother him, he's dealing with a lot right now. He will be up here eventually. Now get you some breakfast."

I sign and grab a bowl for my cereal. Why would Steve not tell me that he wasn't going to be here all day.

Steve is a really close friend. I would have figured that we were close enough to tell each other everything.

I finish my cereal and head back up to my room. It's not even 10:00 in the morning and I already wanna go back to bed. But I can't. Why do we have to have a party Tony. Why? Why can't we just order take out and watch a movie?

 But no tony has to be all popular and have a big ass party.

I enter my room but come face to face with none other than Natasha and Wanda. "What now" I say and sigh.

"Geez what's got your panties in a twist." Wanda says. Natasha just looks at me like she's use to my attitude by now.

I just sigh.

"Anyway, we're going shopping, so let's get our asses to the mall." Nat says in an excited voice.

"Why, we already have dresses. Can't we just use the ones we already have."I say annoyed. One thing I learned being here is that we have to have a new dress for every party tony has. It's dumb and a waste of money.

"No, this isn't a negotiation, now quit complaining" Nat said in an amused tone.

I say nothing and just walk out of my room with them beside me. As we enter the elevator I see Steve walk out of the room the construction workers were. The elevator doors slowly close , but before they're completely closed I see someone else come out of the room as well. I didn't catch a good look at him but I did see that he has brown hair.

The lift goes down to the garage and Wanda and Nat go towards the black mustang. "Umm guys I think I'm gonna take my bike instead and meet y'all there. Ok?"

Wanda looks at Nat, and Nat just shrugs. "Ok see you there." They both say together.

I walk to my bike and hop on. I love my Harley, after tony took me in he went back to the base he found me in and got my bike. Surprisingly it wasn't damaged, which I was thankful for.

Nat pulls out of the garage and I drive up to the passenger side where Wanda was. "Wanna race." I say with a smirk.

"You are so on but I need to go back up and get Tony's card just in case. But after I come back you are so dead." Nat says jokingly. I just laugh and turn around watching her go back to the elevator.

"You think tony is gonna flip when he notices his card is missing" I say to Wanda. Doing so I turn around on my bike to face the building.

"He's too busy planning your party, I doubt he'll notice that a couple hundred dollars has left his bank account." Wanda says laughing

"Yea yea sure" I say laughing while I look up at the tower. When I look up I see Steve talking to a guy. Must be one of his friends. Maybe whoever that is, is the reason why Steve is being so secretive.

I look back down and see Nat coming towards us. "You ready to get your ass kicked" I say smugly as she gets back into the car. "You bet your ass, I'm taking you down."Nat says then put the car in drive and books it down the compound drive.

I turn around, rev up my engine and take off.

 I take a detour and end up getting there before them. When they pull up, Nat looks shocked.

"How the hell did you get here so fast" she asks confused. "Did you like teleport or sum shit because there is no way you could have got here that fast." Wanda says confused as well.

"A lady never reveals her secrets. Now let's get this over with." I can't explain how much I hate shopping. But whatever makes them happy right.

I know I'm suppose to have my mind on shopping and getting a dress but I can't help but wonder what's happening on my floor and who that man was with Steve.

I'll find out when I get back home

More than a womanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora