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Warnings: a litteral river of blood. Explosions, shooting, gore, survival. Fear food(?), derealization, suicidal and guilty thoughts. A lot of internal dialogue.


February 1996.
Mumbai, India.

It was late afternoon, the sun was setting on the horizon and her body was pressed on a mattress on top of a roof. The city around was anything but quiet and the houses were attached all together. She had to stay down, otherwise the cover would blow, she would be in sight. And the mission would fail.

Hot, humid air passed through the skin-tight black suit. Her hair was lightly stuck to her forehead and base of the neck from sweat. The mask on the lower half of the face muffled her breaths, her eyes scanned the target through the scope of her sniper rifle. She was fighting the light haze -caused by pollution and hot air- and an annoying twitch at her left eye that had plagued her for months now. It often happened to her when she needed to concentrate, ever since she had received that wound, which now became a scar.

"Цель вне поля зрения. (Target out of sight.)" Spoke the man through the comm device. He was on the other side of the building they were monitoring.

No shit. Who did they pair me with? At times like these, she really missed her Soldier.

"погоди секунду. (Just wait a second.)" she tried to hide the deeply annoyed tone.

And then.. Here you are, she grinned to herself.
Her last target. Ironically, a rat that had managed to escape from the burrow.

"Глаза на цели. Стрельба на три. (Eyes on target. Firing in place of three)." called Anya. "пять. четыре.. (Five. Four ..)" she fought against the eye which returned to give her an incredible annoyance, grunting slightly.

"три. (Three.)" the man inside the building was riddled with shots from Anya and the other soldier, breaking windows and piercing the body.

Another one bites the dust. And now comes the hard part.
She almost regretted it. Her last mission had been far too simple.

Anya was nervous to say the least. At worst she would die in the process. At best she would be able to escape. But not for long, and she knew it. The research would start soon. She glanced at the soldier flying the helicopter next to her. She didn't mind at all what was about to happen to him and during the mission he had proved quite useless, so..

"How much time left?" she asked at some point.

"Well, it will t-" the soldier was terribly interrupted by a good punch straight in the face, strong enough to make him fall unconscious. The helicopter lost control for a few moments as Anya moved the soldier and took over the controls, only to engage the autopilot.

'The Winter Soldier has a tracker inside of his neck, three millimeters from the jugular.' it rang in her head as if it were a funeral march. She read it in his Soldier's files.

Anya unfastened the mask -letting it fall to the ground- and brought her left hand to the side of her neck, just below the jaw, pressing on the area with her index and middle fingers.
Here it is.

She could feel it under her skin. The heartbeat began to accelerate, as did her breathing.
No. No. I have to keep calm.

She pulled a knife from her holster and took a few deep breaths.
Fuck you. Who could ever keep calm?

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