A Natural and A Punk

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When I arrived at the ice rink, I was alone and as I started practicing, a blonde, angry looking boy walked in.
"Where's Viktor?" he shouted.
"Not here," I replied, continuing.
"Tch..When will he be here?" he asked.
"I don't know, sorry" I replied, preparing to do my "Penta flip", but changing it to a Quad last second due to the identity of the angry boy. Yuri Plisetsky. The fifteen year old, punky, bad boy of the ice skating industry.
As I continued skating, Viktor walked in and stole the attention of the second Yuri, while my "brother" got ready.
"That was you on the video?!" he continued, pointing at me.
"Hm.. Why do I look the girl on the video?" I replied throwing a smirk at Yuuri.
"Yuri, calm down" Viktor stated.
"Wait, there are two Yuri's now?" Yuuko asked. "No." Pointing at the Russian she continued "You're Yurio, and our Yuri is Yuri," she stated not giving him a chance to argue.
As they continued talking, I continued skating, although I could feel Viktor staring at me through the corner of his eye. A few moments later he joined me on the ice.
"You're a girl, but you move like a boy?" he questioned staring at me.
Stopping I looked at him, about to burst into laughter.
"Don't say it like that!" I stated, laughing softly, causing several heads to look our way.
"Oh, so you do know how to move like a girl?" Viktor asked.
"Of course!" I stated, starting to skate, once I was finished I could tell he had been staring intensely.
"...Y-Yes well, I see." he replied breaking his stare. "Try this" he added, showing me movements.
Starting, I immediately mirrored his movements and eventually, he didn't need to speak, it was just happening.
"What's wrong with your faces?" Yurio sneered at Yuri and Yuuko.
"My mother always said she born on the ice because of how it looked when she skated" Yuri explained.
"And how does it look?" Yurio asked again.
"Just watch" Yuuko replied.
As Yurio turned his head, Viktor and I started skating faster and more intensely, stopping and out of breath, Viktor and I leaned on the wall.
Yurio stood up and walked over to Viktor.
"This is something else, they told me that she hadn't started skating until she was 13 years old" Yurio stated, "The skaters that are the best have been skating since birth and most of them don't even move this well" he added.
"I know, it's very intriguing, makes you wonder what caused her to start skating" Viktor replied.
As I walked off the ice Viktor stopped me.
"Tomorrow I choreography your program Rin," Viktor stated.
"Okay," I replied.
"Do mine too!" Yurio stated, "If I win, you're coming back to Russia with me!" he added.

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