A Challenge Begins

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The next morning, the five of us went to the ice rink. (Yuri, Yurio, Rin, Viktor, Yuuko)
When we arrived Viktor played a song that was upbeat and fast, but he had mentioned two songs.

"What does this song make you think of?" Viktor asked Yurio and me.
"Hmm.. Can you play the next one?" I asked.
Playing the next song, I wondered for a moment which one I would practice to, probably Eros since Agape is nothing like Yurio.

"Same question," Viktor stated.
"Go back to the first one, please," I stated.
As he started the first song again, I started skating to it, thinking of what it meant to me. I have never had a relationship, so the song to me meant a relationship that was filled with seduction and hard decisions, almost liked a nobleman wanting a lady he can never have, but she falls for him anyway.
After I finished skating, I could tell Viktor wasn't expecting what I'd just performed.
"N-Next please," I stated. I wasn't trying to show off, I was trying to get a feel for both songs.
So as the next one started, I skated to it and it seemed like it was an innocent love, sort of like what Yuri and I have. A relationship that is sweet and filled with good memories. When we were younger, Yuri had a crush on me, so he would always try and get my attention, after my parents died, he realized that I wasn't the same and sort of fell out of love with me, which wasn't that bad because we are closer now, and only think of each as family, but I still think he misses who I used to be.
Finishing my skate, I noticed Yurio staring.
"Yes, little one?" I giggled causing him to growl.
"Shut up," he stated.
"Well, Rin...You'll skate to Eros. Yurio, you'll skate to Agape," Viktor stated.
"WHAT?!" Yurio yelled.
"Okay," I replied, turning back on the song.

Viktor joined me and showed me a few things I could try in the step sequence and then sat down in the bleachers and watched.
"Watching her is so much fun" he sighed speaking to Yuri.
"It usually is," he replied.
Coming off the ice, Yurio began skating, although Viktor stated several times Yurio wasn't feeling the song and wasn't doing it right.
Once Yurio was finished, he dragged Viktor over to me
"If I win, Viktor comes back to Russia with me, to be MY coach," he stated smirking.
"Okay," I stated coldly.
"And if you win Rin?" Viktor questioned.
"You just have to help me,"
"Okay, deal," Yurio stated.
When I got back to the inn, I quickly got in the hot springs and got back out before the boys got back,
Walking into the inn, I heard a whistle, turning my head Viktor was standing near me and Yurio was holding his nose.
"What'd you do, run?" I questioned.
"Of course," Viktor stated smiling "Who would want to miss you in a towel?" he winked.
Scoffing, I went to my room and got dressed, not bothering to eat dinner.
Just as I was about to fall asleep, I heard a knock on my door.
"Hmm?..." I mumbled into my pillow.
"Can I come in? It's Viktor," he asked.
Widening my eyes, I looked at my attire, my usual pajama's consisted of a short nightgown after I was done walking around the house, getting up to open the door, I was too late.
"Rin..?" he questioned before opening the door.
Frozen in shock, I watched him look me over slowly and smirk.
"We haven't even begun dating yet," he stated, pulling me out of my trance.
"Stop staring, Pervert!" I yelled throwing a blanket over his head.
Over the commotion, I had woken up Yurio and Yuri so they, of course, came to check out what was happening, resulting in shock and nosebleeds.
"Get out! Get out!" I stated repeatedly as they left.
"You know Rin, you're pretty cute" Viktor stated, earning him an elbow from Yuri.

Trying to calm myself down, I laid back down fully covering myself with a blanket and stated that Viktor could come in now.
"Now what did you want to talk to me about?" I asked
"Well..uh..I was going to ask what made you want to skate," he stated.
"O-Oh..." I replied as he walked over and sat next to me.
"Is it sad?" he asked.
"Mhm.." I stated.
Pulling me into his chest, Viktor began to pet my head and hug me tight causing me to blush again.
"You can tell me anything, okay?" he stated.
"O-Okay," I replied patting his back.
"So, Rin. What made you start skating?" 
"Well, a few years ago on a night like this, Yuuri's puppy had gotten sick, and my parents being so close to Yuuri's family----"
"Wait, wait. You two aren't related?"
"No. Anyway, my parents had heard Vicchan had gotten sick, that's Yuuri's dog, Viktor."
"He named his dog after me?"
"Yeah, we all admire you a lot," I smiled "They rushed Vicchan to the hospital and on the way back, they got into an accident," I explained
"I see..So with the absence of your parents, you needed something to get your mind off it?"
"Yeah, so I started skating, and fell in love with it"
Hugging Viktor, which surprised him, I thanked him for being my coach and listening to me.
"Good night, Rin," Viktor stated as he got up and walked to the door.
"Good night, Viktor," I replied before laying down.

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