A Victor and the Beginning

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When word got out that Yurio and I would be pinned against one another, not very many people were excited, but when they heard Viktor was involved the ice rink was sold out almost immediately by residents nearby.
Once the challenge started, Yurio went first skating his Agape which really surprised our audience because no one had seen that side of him. Once he was finished, it was my turn but not before Yurio had something to say.
"Don't mess up," he stated coldly.
"I don't plan to.." I replied.
Taking in the large crowd, I looked at Viktor and Yuri as they watched from the edge of the rink. If I messed up, Viktor would leave. Thinking that I started skating slowly, before picking up the pace from my anxiety. Before I knew it, the challenge was over and I was its victor.

Soon after that, Yurio went back to Russia and Viktor stayed with me and Yuuri. As we got closer to the Nationals, Viktor was exited, he had never not competed let alone coached.
"Viktor, I have to win a few matches before I can enter the Nationals, since I am a girl," I stated as he started packing my things.
"O-Oh, right," he replied holding up a shirt of mine before setting it down. "Rin, have you noticed your wardrobe is all black?" he added.
"Yes. I like it that way," I replied saying goodbye to my mother and father. "Yuuri, are you ready?." I added.

After landing we went straight to the rink, the match didn't start for a few hours, but I wanted to be early. Once at the rink, I received several looks from the other skaters. Being the girl that would compete against them, I would wait until Nationals to show my Penta since the cocky JJ would be there.
It was now time for warm ups, and once I got on the ice I pretended to trip, startling Viktor and causing my competitors to snicker, they were in for a surprise.
I had chosen "Eros" as my first song, and during the free skate, Viktor and I came up with something else---Well, a woman Yuri had connections with came up with it. I would preform last, so I spent most of the other matches stretching. I could feel the others staring while I listened to the song Yuri's friend made, I was surprised she did this for me.
Once I finished stretching, I had to change. My outfit was red, I decided to go with it because of Viktor's comment. I had it specially made to be a copycat of Viktor's black uniform he had used when he wanted to show both characteristics due to his long hair.
I had finished changing and stepped out into the lobby, Viktor was standing quietly, leaning on the wall of the rink.
A few minutes later it was my turn to skate, and with much gruff about my presence the skaters had decided to go with it. So, I got onto the ice and stood in front of Viktor who was on the other side of the wall.
"Good luck Rin," he and Yuri stated in sync.
"Thanks," I replied going to the middle of the rink.

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