The Dark Place - Chapter Thirty-Four

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Chapter Thirty-four


"You really should keep an eye on this one you know sir!" Sergeant Galvin said as he led Conrad Sheen down to the cell where his son, Graham, was being held.

"And what exactly do you mean by that sergeant?" There was an edge of anger in Sheen's voice as he held the policeman's gaze. "Just because he's..."

"Before you go any further with that Mr. Sheen, we both know that this isn't the first time that your son has been in trouble with us!"

"A minor offence, as I've no doubt this is."

"I would hardly call indecent exposure a minor offence sir, especially as most of the onlookers were young girls."

"My son has a weak bladder..."

"Your son was caught urinating through the fence of the EastlakeGirlsSecondary School playground during lunchtime recess. Hardly commendable behaviour, I'm sure you'll agree." Galvin could see by the drop of Sheen's head that that particular battle had been well and truly won.

The next time Graham's father spoke it was in a much more restrained tone. "We all know that the woods are a restricted area sergeant, but was he really causing any harm out there all by himself?"

"I take it you are aware that trespassing is a crime sir?"

"Well yes, but..."

"He was found at a spot where, we had been informed, a young girl had been abducted earlier today."

"Just a minute, you think that Graham..."

"No, the information was bogus. Another officer and I searched the area and the only thing we found was your son hiding in some bushes by an old derelict house.

"No girl?"

"I doubt there ever was one. Surly somebody would have reported her missing by now if there had been." Galvin could see the relief on Sheen's face. The parents of the young offenders he arrested never ceased to amaze him. They would shout of their child's innocence from the highest roof in town yet they hardly seemed to know them at all.

"So what happens now?" Sheen's voice was a sheepish murmur.

Galvin stopped outside the last door along the corridor and slipped the key into the lock. "I'm going to let him off with a caution this time on the understanding that you will be held accountable if we happen to catch him anywhere near those woods again, is that clear?"

"Yes, of course sergeant."

Galvin turned the key in the lock and pushed the door open. Graham sat on the bench with his knees pulled up to his chest.

"Come on then lad, your dad's here to take you home," said Galvin as he stepped aside to allow Graham's father into the cell.

"Why he not helped her?" They were the first words Graham had said since he had arrived at the police station.

"What are you talking about lad?" Galvin walked over to the young man. "Did you see something out there?"

"Other policeman, why he not helped the girl in that house?"

Author's Note

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