The Dark Place - Chapter Four

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Chapter Four


Penny padded down to the kitchen in her nightshirt and socks, poured herself a huge bowl of cornflakes and settled down to the early morning entertainment; mum and dad's battle of the sexes, fought two times a day, seven days a week.

"And how long has this been going on?" her mother's voice yelled from the other end of the house.

"What the fuck are you prattling on about now?" her father shouted in return.

"You know; this sordid little thing between you and whoever she is?"

And it's another great day in sunny old Eastlake, Penny thought as she poured a generous amount of milk over her cereal.

"For god's sake Donna, can't you do anything but moan?"

"Well Alan, are you denying that you're seeing someone else then?"

"Of course not, what the hell do you expect when this is what I have to come home to?"

Penny was shocked at her father's off-handed confession.

"That's you all over isn't it Alan," her mother snapped sharply. "You go out and do  whatever you want and I take all the blame. God, you're a poor excuse for a man."

"I've had enough of this; I'm getting out of here."

"How dare you?" Penny's mother shouted, but she was too late. He had already slammed the street door behind him.

Moments later Penny's mother entered the kitchen, the look of thunder etched on her face which was quickly replaced by a stiff smile when she saw her daughter seated at the table.

"Good morning sweetheart. How long have you been up and about?"

"Long enough." Penny scooped a spoonful of cornflakes into her mouth and crunched.

"I'm sorry love. You shouldn't have to hear those things."

"No mum. The two of you shouldn't have to say them." Her appetite gone, Penny pushed the unfinished cereal to the centre of the table. "Why does he have to be such an arsehole?"

"Penny, that's your father you're talking about."

"How can you stand there and stick up for him?" snapped Penny.

Her mother sat on the chair next to her and put a comforting arm around her shoulders. "No darling, I'm not defending him. I'm simply saying that you have to remember that whatever differences your father and I have between us we both still love you very much, and we always will."

 "Well, I don't think I love him very much at the moment." Penny's voice was soft but vindictive. "Do you still love him, mum?" She asked resting her head against her mother's shoulder.

There was a long silence before her mother finally answered. "To be honest darling, I just don't know anymore."


The heat from the sun was overpowering by twelve-noon but Penny remembered how the weather had changed so dramatically the day before and decided that she would wear long jeans and a white long-sleeved T-shirt with Groovy Chick emblazoned across the front in red, bubble lettering. She also tied her denim jacket around her waist just in case she needed it later. When she was ready she went down to the living room where her mother pottered around making sure that she had everything ready for her meeting with the man who was staying up at the big house.

"Pen, have you seen my mobile around anywhere?" she asked pulling up the cushions from the sofa.

"No," Penny answered folding her arms across her chest. "Where have you looked?"

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