Episode 16 - Joshaya Meets Older Matthews

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Maya exhaled as she sat at home busy with arranging her appointments for the next week regarding her studio. Josh had looked at Maya where he was busy in the kitchen as he shook his head. Walking towards the couch he sat down next to Maya taking her computer away as he placed it on the coffee table.

"Hey!" Maya said.

"Oh come here you," Josh said pulling Maya into his arms as he gave her a passionate kiss before she had pulled away.

"You're being worried about everything for no reason. Melissa said she would be fine with handling everything regarding your appointments and you only have one shot of going on a honeymoon. Don't worry about it, Babe," Josh said as they heard a knock on the door.

"If that's Melissa I'm going to scream," Maya said as she walked towards the door opening it up.

"Amy, Alan you guys made it. Come on in," Maya said as Josh jumped up from the couch.

"What are you guys doing here?" Josh asked confused why his parents had made the trip from Philadelphia.

"Your beautiful fiance invited us to stay here a little longer than planned. Said she needed some help with something," Amy said.

"And you couldn't ask Riley why?" Josh asked as Maya looked at Josh.

"Because our taste is way too different. Besides, I know you don't get to see your parents a lot so I thought it might be nice having them over for a bit longer. You guys are on the room down the hall. Amy, I'm actually so glad you guys could make it because I have some major issues with the flowers your granddaughter had picked out," Maya said as she grabbed her iPad showing the flowers to Amy.

"That doesn't remotely go with your theme. You and I will go and talk to Riley in the morning. What are you two standing around for?" Amy asked as Josh picked up the suitcase.

"Come, Dad. I'll shoe you where you guys will be sleeping," Josh said.

"Alan would you like some tea?" Maya asked.

"Yes dear. That would be nice," Alan said as he and Josh walked down the hall.

"I've said this before but I am very fortunate that I get along with my future daughter-in-law," Amy said as Maya smiled and switched the kettle on.

"So am I. Is everything okay, Amy? You seem a little tense," Maya said.

"Can we talk about something else than the flowers for a second?" Amy asked as Maya nodded and sat doen on the couch.

"I love you and I don't have a problem with you. I know my son could have been engaged to someone a lot worse but I am worried about how..."

"How I was raised and if I'm going to do the same to my children one day. I think you are more worried about your son. Amy, I know it's scary to think Josh is grown up and you don't know how to deal with that. And one day when my sons come to me and tells me they are getting married, I know I'll have the same conversation with my daughter-in-law. But I need you to know I'm not going to steal your son. I know who Josh is and I know how he feels about his parents. I'll never take your son from you, Amy," Maya said.

"Sons? You want multiple children," Amy said.

"Three boys and a girl is my future. And I'll be perfectly happy with even four little boys. I won't steal Josh," Maya said as Amy nodded tears appearing in her eyes.

"You really are one of a kind, Maya," Amy said as Maya pulled the woman into her arms.

"Let me finish that tea," Maya said.

"You know, son, marriage is a huge step in any person's life. And I bet this wedding is also important to Maya due to how her life has been the last twenty years," Alan said as Josh looked at his father feeling like this conversation was just too familiar.

"Dad, you don't have to do this. Cory and Shawn have ready given me this talk. Even Lucas Friar talked to me about all of this. I won't hurt Maya," Josh said.

"Aren't you afraid of how your children will be raised? Or how this marriage..."

"Stop right there," Josh said looking at his father.

"I already don't like how this conversation is going and regardless what I know Maya will be an amazing mother when we decide that kids are in the cards for us and..."

"Alan, sorry. Someone is looking for you," Maya said as she handed the phone over to Alan who went out of the room.

"Why did you invite them again?" Josh asked as Maya exhaled.

"Looks like you and your dad don't get so well along as me and your mother. Josh this is normal," Maya said.

"It's normal to have the same conversation four times in a row?" Josh asked as Maya threw her arms around his neck.

"Babe this is wedding stress you are dealing with right now. Don't worry about it please. Come on. Your mother is burning to know what movie you are working on next," Maya said as Josh crashed their lips in a passionate kiss.

"I love you," Josh said.

"I love you too. I'll talk to my dad and to Lucas if you want. They can't really say anything," Maya said.

"No it's okay. I'll survive. Promise me something," Josh said as Maya nodded.

"Promise me we won't be what my parents say we will be," Josh said as Maya smiled.

"We won't be that. Come on. Your father will get off the phone soon," Maya said as they went in front.

"So, Maya. Flowers. What were you thinking?" Amy asked.

"Violets. They are more suitable with the dresses and all," Maya said.

"Very good eye," Amy said.

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