a new morning after a rainy day

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Isaac yawned, opening his eyes to a new day, he didn't need sleep, but what else is there to do on rainy days?

He looked out of the abandoned church he called home, to see if it was still raining, it wasn't raining anymore

"Another day another responsibility" he thought, our main character, Icarus has decided to start collecting his mostly long gone friend's gems.
altho he knew there was low hopes of curing them from their corruption, he still liked to collect them, mostly so others wouldn't use their gems for weapons, teleportation, or many other things their ender pearl gems could be used for.
When he heard a screech come from the right side of him, it was his little owl friend, Flynn

"I'm sorry we couldn't hang out and do lure catching lately, I have a lot of things on my mind, I hope you understand."
Flynn just sadly looked down at it's feet
"Hey-hey, but I promise we can do lure catching tomorrow" said the enderman, of course speaking his strange ender language, to most people, it just sounds like weird screeches, but it has a whole language behind it's appearence.

Icarus has given himself the mission to retrieve the gems of his kind, whether corrupted or not.

Xe's only on earth for safety reasons, it has heard about how not many gems lived here, he's terribly terrified of gems, since of his kinds history.

The only ruins of intelligent life on the island he lived on was a left over abandoned town. The town was useful to him tho, it had leftover clothes, hair dye, network etc.

"Well anyway..." Isaac said "I gotta go, I heard about another enderman sighting somewhere nearby"
He mumbled putting on his jacket and some other clothes that weren't stuck to his body.


The crystal gems were getting ready for another mission, they were looking for for what appears to be a tall completely black humanoid figure. "I wonder what this thing is.." said pearl, none of them realized they were about to meet one of a said wiped out or corrupted kind.
"It's probably- like a fake drill or something" confidently said amethyst,
"We still gotta go there and check it out, who knows, it could be very dangerous" said garnet, with her usual tone. "But how are we gonna get there? We don't have a warp going there?" Asked steven.
"The old fashion way, we're gonna take the car" responded garnet.


"Are we there yet?" Asked amethyst, clearly bored out of her mind. "Amethyst this is the hundreds time u asked that" sighted pearl, "I knowwww, I'm just sooo boreddddd" whined amethyst.
"We're here" said garnet
"FINALLY" whined amethyst, again
They got out of the car, "how are we gonna search for this monster anyway?" Questioned amethyst
"I don't know, we just have to try" responded garnet
"OH- I saw something!"
"Something tall, this way-" said steven, pointing in a west direction, "gems, let's go" said garnet, the rest of the gems following her

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