Rei 2

501 49 8

New York, USA

It has been years since the Knight Manor ever celebrated family event. The only parties held all this time were social events like charity balls and Knight Corp business related meetings. So when the head of the family, Vladimir Knight announced a Christmas family feast, it brought joy all around the living quarters. Especially after all Vlad's children all grown up, started to leave and most of them never came back, all lot of them spread all around the world, some already has children and unknowingly, grandchildren too. The senior servants who took care of the old manor and family since young missed the welcoming atmosphere that the house used to have, especially the sound of children's laughter.

Everyone happily sang every Christmas carols they know as they clean and made sure all decorations are intact and childproof, the chefs are busy with the feast for tonight, the Christmas spirit has been all over since Vlad's announcement.

Michael Anders-Knight, now in his eighties looked well dressed as he walked over the other man sitting on the wheelchair.

"Ready hon?" Michael asked, the huge scar on his face apparent as he stopped covering them with make-up years ago.

A man also in his eighties looked to his side, Vlad may be in his eighties and wheelchair bound, but the shine in his old eyes and sharp expression showed that his mind is as clear as day and his old age never stopped him from being well dressed.

Michael tidied up the bow tie around Vlad's neck.

"How do I look?" Vlad smiled putting his hand on top of Michael's and kissing the palm gently.

"Handsome," Michael said as he rubbed the similarly wrinkled face.

The blond beta walked around and started to push the wheelchair out of their bedroom to be greeted with busy servants, they can already hear commotion and children's laughter downstairs.

The stairs now equipped with a machine to bring the wheelchair down, so was the whole manor, now are wheelchair friendly for the head of the family.

The main hall of the manor has a giant Christmas tree with all sort of presents under it as the family's member surrounding it, socializing while looking after their small children.

Hubert retired almost fifteen years ago and replaced by his young omega grandson who graduated from butler's academy, Angel. Angel made a history as the first omega butler of the Knight family, started to work at the manor and met his not one, but two fated pairs of alphas.

Hiro and Vilo were now in their thirties, they were still inseparable as always, Vilo opened and manage the first IR (Integrated Resort) in Japan while Hiro is a famous travelling photographer, they found out that they shared one fated mate and a lot of dramas ensued but somehow the strange three-way relationship kind of worked, now they have triplets and another baby on the way.

The triplets are two girls and one boy. Bella, Lanna and Abell, the three troublemakers are all part werewolf like their fathers and at their age of trying to control their powers to shift, so the manor has been in such a mess since their arrival as the three naked five year olds shifting back and forth from their child to wolf form.

While Angel dressed in his usual tailcoat suits still early in his second pregnancy decided to rest a bit because he's been feeling nauseous all day and it's hard to tell his two mates to stop fretting over him and go catch their unruly triplets. But he couldn't help to keep everything in check with his clipboard.

Mia also manifasted as an alpha like her older brothers, moved back to America when she was eighteen, graduated med school and now became a top surgeon at a famous hospital in New York. She lives downtown with her male omega mate and came to visit her grandfather for his check up often. Mia met Gunther at the hospital she was interned for during her university days, Gunther was the part time worker at the hospital's cafetaria and trying to make ends meet while taking care of his sick father. Mia fell for Gunther after realizing the omega always put extra croquettes for her lunch, she tried to woo the omega, healed the omega's father which he was grateful for and finally Gunther agreed to go on their first date then the rest was history. Gunther opened a successful bakery shop and now they have two children of their own.

Rei (Christmas Special Novella)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant