Rei 4

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Joon Dietrich didn't remember when was the last time he met his parents. It might be when he was three years old, the age where human and most supernaturals started to develop memories. His father was a pure blood alpha Siberian white tiger werebeast, while his mother was a normal omega human. He remembered his mother cried while his father pulled her away, leaving Joon still in his tiger form in the middle of the woods, there were rain and thunders too.

He tried to chase after his parents but his little naked stubby paws can barely walk on the rough surface of the forest. He could hear his mother's desperate voice calling his name and speaking in Korean.

"I'm so sorry Joon, I'm so sorry, I love you!"

When the three year old Joon woke up in the middle of the night, the rain has cleared and he was naked in his human form. Only a chain connected to a tag dangling around his neck. His werecat's blood helped him warmed up from the chilly spring season. But he's a growing half human baby tiger, he needed to eat and he's all alone in the middle of nowhere.

So with a little memory of his father teaching him how to hunt before leaving him in the middle of the woods, Joon tried to transform back into his tiger form and hunt for the small rodents. He found out how his eyes can see so well in the dark, he moved faster too at night.

He didn't remember how long he spent his time all by himself trying to survive in the forest until he found himself out of the woods and saw the asphalt road, a truck driver rescued him and as soon as they saw the silver tag around the tiger cub's neck, they immediately knew what's going on as the driver brought Joon to the nearest special shelter for kids like Joon.

The thing that happened to Joon was actually an abandonment practice that's been done for centuries. This practice is only done by werecats, it's their natural instinct to leave their cubs after they're mature, in werecats' age, three to four years old is considered mature for the cub to fend for themselves. After modernisation, a lot of werecats ignored these practice but not the rare breed like Siberian white tigers or the albino lions, they're rare breed and their natural instinct was stronger than any normal werecats. That's why the supernatural council build some shelters to rescue these abandoned children.

Joon's father was struggling to fight off his instinct but finally he gave in, after he left Joon and go live far away with his mate, Joon never heard of him anymore. Except for his mother. Joon made a name for himself in the entertainment world so that maybe his parents could come back and find him, and finally he got his first letter from his mother, though his father didn't let his mother come to see him in person.

On her last letter his mother told him that Joon's father has already lost his memory of his own son. And it's a natural occurance for werecats. After a long time of not being close to their offspring, their memory of having any cubs were erased completely.

This is why werewolf hates werecats, their different beliefs pulled the two species apart for million of years. It's in werewolves' nature to live in group and protect their pups, while it's in werecats' nature to live in solitude, stay away from anyone, even from their own flesh and blood.

Rei clutched on his coat to warm himself up from the cold air outside the manor as he looked around for his boyfriend. The house maids told him that Joon ran outside without his coat so the omega decided to take Joon's coat with him too.

The guards outside the manor pointed to certain direction after she saw Rei looking around the garden. Rei thanked her as he walked up to the pointed direction to find Joon sitting on the ledge of the fountain in the middle of the victorian style garden. He has one leg up on the ledge, resting one elbow on of his knee, his eyes staring at a photo of his parents his mother sent him with her last letter three years ago.

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