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Another idk
Excuse any errors

*Kitten's POV*

"BAE C'MERE" I yelled out to my boyfriend of two years. A minute passed and this mfer still ain't came down here. My god. I went upstairs and was finna call his name before I heard him speaking. "Baby I'll come see you tonight when she goes to sleep ok" he said making me scrunch my face up. This betta be a prank. "Mmtch jaaayyy fuck ha you know you don't want ha" I heard a ghetto ass female say making me bust in the room. Jay jumped up and hung the phone up. "Naaahh why you hang it up" I spat out making him look scared. "You know what don't worry bout it" I said getting all my clothes I BOUGHT. "I'm gone we done fuck you fucking cheating ass nigga" I spat out leaving his house.

I got in my car and pulled off and boom I broke down I had to pull over Because I couldn't see. "FUCK FUCK FUCK" I yelled hitting the steering wheel. The third heartbreak fucking great. I'm done with relationships atp. I get myself together and go to my friend's house. I let myself in Because she gave me a key. "MELANIE" I yelled for her causing her to run to me. "KIT- kitten what's wrong" she asked making me start sobbing. "He was cheating this whole fucking time bruh" I sobbed out making her shake her head and rubbed back. She sat us down and comforted me. After a while I calmed down. "Your gonna be ok we're gonna get ice cream and watch movies and go out and all of that" she said making me smile. "Sounds like a plan" I smiled sniffling making her smile. We both had gaps and that's what made us friends because we instantly clicked. We both make music we are actully working on an album together now.

About three hours of us going out shopping and coming back eating junk food and watching scary movies her phone started ringing. "Hello" she spoke making me pause the movie and continue eating. "Oh shit I forgot yeah yeah yeah you can my friend is over though" she said looking at me making me raise my eyebrow. "Shut up no idiots....just text me when your here" she said and hung up. She looked at me and smiled "we gotta get you cleaned up my other friends are coming" she happily said making me gasp. "Cheating on me" I faked cried making her laugh. I went to shower and did all my hygiene. I then wrapped the towel around me and went to her room which was connected to the bathroom. "Here put this on" she said handing me some clothes before walking out. It was a half red half black crop top and some fishnets and the same color shorts. The undergarments consisted of half red and half black bra and underwear. I put the bra and underwear on and then the shirt, fishnets, and the shorts. I put my red and black socks on and put the boots on it was also half red half black just like my hair.

Which was in it's poofy/straight state. I changed my eyebrow, nose, tongue, and belly piercings out to all red and black piercings. I looked at myself taking a few pictures because I felt cute asf. I walked downstairs to see melanie getting ready to open the door. "Wait" I said speed walking down. She looked at me and gasped. "You look like a bad bitch kitten" she giggled out making me laugh. I sat down and got on my phone to see I missed 50 calls from Jay as well as him texting me. I looked through the messages seeing him trying to apologize the first half then the other half was him cussing me out and degrading me which was nothing new. I felt tears trying to come out. Don't cry don't cry don't cry don't cry don't cry don't cry. As I was focused on that I heard my name being called. "KITTEN" melanie shouted making me look up from my phone and to her. "What's wrong" she asked making me say nothing. She looked at me like I was stupid. "Then why are you crying" she said making me touch my face and indeed there was tears. She grabbed my phone making me get up to get it but she hid behind this buff ass nigga. "Oh hell no" she sassed out making me sigh. I looked at the dude to see it was tank nearly making me shit myself.

"Excuse me shawty bae" I said going around him only for mel to run and go behind....X!?!?! Wtf-. "Girl-" I said making her hand my phone to X. He read it and looked at me then looked at the people behind me which was all of the members only crew along with his mom and little brother. I sighed and snatched my phone out his hands I blocked him and then realized he said he's coming to me. I checked life 360 to see that I never left the circle we was in with a group of his and my friends. "Awe fuck me mother of god" I said as I heard a knock on the door making me speed pass some people and open the door. I was greeted to a punch in my face as I started swinging back. Knowing it was jay I was fighting him like I was a nigga. This isn't our first time doing this anyways. "YOU STOOPID FUCKING CHEATING ASS NIGGA" I yelled as he fell to the floor still hitting me making me get on top of him and start throwing blows at his face. Left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right nothing but hard punches. I felt something sharp slide across my arm multiple times making me laugh. I punched one good hard time making him stop and look at me crazy. "Bitch you think you cutting me hurts?!?!"I laughed out looking him dead in his eyes. "Bitch I've been cutting myself since the age 15" and after that I spit in his face and head budded him.

I got up and looked around the room only to see X taking his hoodie off and walking my way. After that everything went black.

*Four hours later*

I woke up and tried to sit up but failed due to me being in pain making me groan. "Ow fuck" groaned out. "Kitten it's ok your in my house love" I heard melanie say making me look at her since my head was in her lap. "we took you to the doctors they said you are kinda ok they gave you medicine....But" she looked at me and sigh. "You lost your baby" she said making my eyes go wide and I sat up Extremely bad which was a bad idea but I didn't care. I did notice everyone was still here though. "WHAT I WAS PREGNANT?!?!" I yelled making her nod and try to calm me down. No...No no no no no no no no no not again. I broke down I broke down bad. I felt her come to me along with someone else. "I got her mel" I heard a soft female voice say. "Hey it's ok love it's ok....I know it's hard I know but it's ok calm down" She said to me making me shake my head. "No it's not it's fucking not this was my fourth child I fucking lost because of him" I said sobbing louder. I heard people gasp even her. "I'm so sorry sweetie I am sooo sorry" was all she could say. A few minutes later I calmed myself down.

I pulled away from the woman and noticed it was X's mom. I got up and went upstairs to the guest room and just layed in the bed and stared at the ceiling. Fuck my life.

*Jah's POV*

Everyone just stared at each other not knowing what to say. That girl is so beautiful and is going through so much shit. I know exactly who she is I follow her on my spam account to check on her but her life on social media is a lie from what she actually is going through. "I'll go check on her" I spoke out making everyone look at me. "Jah I don't-" Mel started but I cut her off. "I know how she is I've been around her before multiple times" I told her making her look Confused. "Childhood friends" was all I said before going upstairs. I went into one of the guest rooms and she was in it. She was laying down sleeping. I made my way to her and sat beside her. She moved a bit before mumbling something in her sleep. I decided to give her a scalp massage making her smile in her sleep.

About an hour later of massaging her scalp she started tossing and turning making me look down at her. "No.....Please" she whispered making me put my phone down and lift her up to where I was now hugging her. "Shhh it's ok kitten....Listen to my voice love" I softly said. Not even two seconds later her eyes open "jahjah?" She whispered looking at me with tears in her eyes. I gave her a closed mouth smile nodding my head. "You ok kitty" I asked her making her nod her head. "I'm ok.....Just tired" she said sitting up. She sighed and looked at me. "I didn't even know that was you down there" she giggled cause me to laugh. "I miss you" was the last thing she said before she hugged me.

To be truthful....I miss this girl so damn much I didn't wanna leave her but it was best Because I wasn't good for her. We grew up together, went to juvie, etc. We use to get into a lot of trouble. We were each others first Everything. We took each others virginty and everything this girl was and still is my Everything. But at age 15 I nearly got her killed Because we robbed a house together and we got shot at. I couldn't do her like that so me and my mom left and moved away and I never seen her since. I mean I've seen her on the internet but it wasn't the same. Just glad I have her back in my life.....

Idek what this is but aye
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