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I'm bored so why not
Excuse Any Errors

*Jah's POV*

Getting up from my bed I sighed. I'm so fucking bored yo. It's snowing outside so I can't go anywhere. I walk downstairs and go to the kitchen and grab me some ice cream. I ate it and sighed again. I heard the door bell causing me to raise my eyebrow. What the fuck. I went to see who it was to see my friend/fuck buddy, kitten. What is she doing here. "JAH OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR DAMN NIGGA" she yelled causing me to open the door. She came in shivering. "What are you doing here" I asked her. She rolled her eyes. She knows damn well I don't fucking like when she does that. "Well I don't wanna be here as much as you don't want me here but my mom kicked me out, literally, and I had nowhere else to go" she said causing me to look at her with concern. "Let me see yo arm" I asked her making her look at me and try to walk off. I grabbed her arm making her wince.

I took her coat off and pulled her sleeve up to see ten fresh cuts plus some old ones and her scars. I did the same thing to her other arm to see the same amount of fresh cuts. I sighed. "Dammit kitten" I said looking at her. Her tears started to fall making me hug her. "I'm sorry jah I couldn't control myself" she cried. "shhh it's ok it's ok" I softly said. She's had a rough life and with her being 18 now imma let her move with me. Once the snow goes away imma get her shit over here. I took her to the bathroom and cleaned up her cuts. No words being exchanged. I could tell she was disappointed in herself. I was slightly disappointed but I understand what' she's going through yeah it's no excuse but I can't bash her for it. I've done the same before.

Once I was done I let her sleeve down. She tried to get up and leave but I picked her up and put her back on the sink. She looked down at her nails not bothering to look at me. "look at me" I said. "Fuck on me" she said smiling a little bit causing me to laugh. Even in the worst situations she tries to brighten up the mood. I love that about her. "Seriously though look at me baby" I said causing her to sigh and look at me. "it's ok, ok? I'll help you get through this ok" I told her. She nodded as her tears started to flow out more. "She.....She......." She tried to say but couldn't get it out. She pushed me back a little bit and jumped down. She turned around and lifted up her shirt. I seen multiple welches on her back. Thick ones too. "Oh my god...." I said in shock. She turned back around and showed me her stomach. She had cuts....And welches on her stomach. "There's some on my legs too......They hurt so bad but I've been hiding it" she sniffled. My eyes got watery. I feel so bad for her.

I gently hugged her as she let it all out. Sobbing was all she did. Hearing that and looking in the mirror at her back made my tears come out. Now imma tough nigga and I rarely ever cry. But this shit right here hurts a young nigga's heart. When I first met her she was literally on the street asking for money to buy food for herself because her mom kicked her out. She was 10 years old. Everyone just sat there looking at her in disgust. A few people gave her money as she gave them things that she made as a thank you gift. Some of the stuff was little nic nacs she made. I went over there and took her in. I was 16 at the time. She gave me all her little things as a thank you gift and to this day I still have them. She's been raped multiple times because if her mom selling her. Kitten feels so disgusted with her body. I've been trying to get her outta that. She has a nice body. And she's extremely beautiful when me and her started fucking she was 16 and I was 22.

We was just fucking with no strings attached and I was making her feel good making her feel like her body was worth it. And it's because her body is worth it. I might've told her no strings attached but I've caught feelings for her. "I'm sorry sehseh I don't wanna be a burden on you" she said as she backed away from me. I looked down at her small frame. Seeing her eyes bloodshot red as a few tears fell. She looked at me and wiped my eyes. "no don't cry your not allowed to cry me either we too strong for this....Who told you to let us cry" she said making me smile. She wiped her eyes and my eyes and grabbed a towel and washed her face then turned to me. "Time to wash your face here ya go mister" she said goofily. "Nah you do it missy" I said causing her to giggle. I out my hands on her small waist. She's so small but she got a lil booty and some titties tho. She's 4'11 and so mean at times. "Close your eyes I don't want water to go in them" she said causing me to shut my eyes tightly. She washed my face and then plucked my forehead making me smack her ass outta reflex.

She gasped and giggled "Why you do that" she soft voice asks me making me smile. "You're so pretty" I said gently wrapping my arms around her. "Can I take a warm bath so I can apply this numbing cream" she asked making me nod. "I'll get you some clothes.....You need help" I asked making her shake her head no. I said ok and went to get her some clothes. I got her my underwear and my joggers and shirt for her. She'll be comfortable in this hopefully. I silently make my way to the bathroom to hear tiny cries.  "Fuck this shit hurtttss" I heard her cry out. I sighed and peeked in making sure she couldn't see me. I heard her hiss in pain the whole time. Walking away I grabbed my phone and texted my mom about the situation.  My mom was the only mom she had. It's honestly sad but she's strong. A few minutes after the water stopped she called my name. I went in and she was covering her chest. "Can you put this on my back please" she said smiling making me nod. I applied ot gently and gave her the tube back. She then put my shirt on and turned to me. "Thank you Jahjah" she kissed my cheek and went into the room. I followed behind her and stopped to just admire her.

She make a young G feel good. Wanna cuff that lil ass. She fixed the bed a bit and layed down hugging my stitch plushie. Such a kid at heart. She noticed me staring and giggled. "Take a picture it last longer and it isn't nice to stare" she softly giggled making me smile. I pulled my phone out and started recording her as I went to the bed. "This my lil baby y'all" I said recording her making her laugh. "Boy stawp"she shoo'd me away. I ended the video and posted it on my snap. I went in the bed and layed on her. She started playing in my hair making me snuggle into her. "Such a baby jah jah" she said making me look at her. "Only for you now gimmie kiss" I told her puckering my lips out. I wasn't that far from her lips so if she refused I would steal me a kiss. She grabbed my face and opened my lips multiple times. I smiled at her and bit my lip making her do her softy little giggle I love so much. I'm gonna cuff her.....I'm gonna ask her right now and she will move in with me ofc when the snow is gone.

"Mama" I said getting her attention. She hummed looking away from her- oh wait that's mine well my phone to look at me. "I know I said no strings attached with what we got but Ian finna lie to you......You gotta young nigga feeling you and I get our age is different but you an adult now so I don't care.....Be mines mama and move in with me" I said. She looked shocked at first but she started smiling. "Yes jah jah I'll be yours" she giggled out making me hug the fuck outta her. "Where's your phone baby" I asked making her sigh. "It's in my bag.....Broken" she sighed again. Yeah I'm getting her away from there.

Bloop that's a wrap
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