maybe, maybe i like her pt. 2

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rei is the first to awaken. she's got a headache, most likely from crying too much last night. her swollen eyes aren't helping either; she's struggling to grow her eyes bigger, and she can't see properly as a result.

she spotted yujin sleeping comfortably in the other bed. she giggled at the sight and went to cover her eonni.

she proceeded outside the room and checked both hallways before coming to a halt at the door.

should I go and check on her? But what if she's now awake?

but, being her being her, she nevertheless checks the room. she only wanted to make sure liz got home safely. after all, she is still concerned.

rei was taken aback by the sight in front of her.

liz, the girl she likes, is sleeping peacefully with a sun ray on her face. she has no idea how long she had been looking at the sleeping girl.

ahe approached the sleeping girl, bent her knees in front of her, and unconciously smiled at the sight. "how I wish that was me," she said, whispering.

"oh liz, I like you, why can't it be me? why him?" she quietly said. she fights the impulse to cry, "why chose him instead of me?" and eventually a single tear drop falls from her eye.

she quickly exited the room before making a disturbance and waking the two lovely girls who were asleep.

the tears she had been resisting before eventually fell when she departed. she went downstairs after wiping her face, only to discover two girls asleep on the floor in the living room.

"cute," she murmured as she went to the restroom to fix herself.


after rei left, everything was heard by wonyoung, who, let's just say, pretend asleep. so, did rei witness something last night? she feels sorry for the her.

she's been with rei and liz for who knows how long, but she's close to rei since rei is the eldest in the three, and anytime wonyoung needs something, she turns to rei. now that rei is in need of someone, it's her chance to shine.


liz awoke to the sun rays on her face. her hands instinctively searched for someone, but she realized that rei hadn't slept with her the night before.

she wants rei to be the first person she sees when her eyes open. but now she's met with disappointment.

she gets up right away and goes to the restroom to clean herself. she left the room after she was finished. her gaze was drawn to the room where rei had slept the night before. she's a little reluctant, wondering if she should check on her and ask her why she didn't sleep with her last night.

she walks towards the door and opens it without thinking, and the disappointment on her face is visible once more. there are no people inside.

how many disappointments did she encounter today? it makes her question whether today is a day of disappointment.

"hello liz, morning," yujin, who was assisting gaeul cook, said, bringing her back to reality. she returned yujin's greeting, "morning," with a modest smile.

she approached the kitchen counter, "morning liz," murmured gaeul, who was busy cooking and didn't even look at her. she, too, greeted her with a simple morning greeting.

she then looked at Leeseo, who was reading a book and sipping her milk alongside her, and murmured, "good morning," hoping to catch the younger's attention, which she did. leeseo put her book down and did some aegyo with her liz eonni, saying "good morning," which made liz grin.

when love lastsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon