maybe, maybe i like her. 3

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"aren't we heading to the mall today?" Leeseo said as she noticed Rei gathering up her belongings and preparing to leave soon. everyone in the room looks from Leeseo to Rei, "yah!" Yujin exclaims as she walks up to Rei and tries to stop her from stuffing her belongings into her bag, "whyy?" Rei begins to whimper.

"don't tell me you forgot we were going to the mall today," she pouted to Rei. she shakes her head signaling to the older that she hasn't forgotten anything. "then why are you packing your things already? and you're dressed?" asks Yujin.

"my mom told me to go home early because I needed to help her at our store. I'm sorry," but is it true? the reason she didn't want to attend, or perhaps she doesn't want to be with someone

"are you sure?" Yujin said, earning a countless of nods from Rei. Yujin sighs and lets the younger girl go; they are aware of her family's predicament, so she just lets the younger girl go, despite the fact that weekends are important to the six of them.

weekends will be dedicated to bonding. nobody should be left out.

"eh? you, too, wonyoung? " gaeul inquired as she saw wonyoung heading down the stairs and dressed with her bag on her back. wonyoung halted in front of gaeul, "i seriously need to go. my sister is expecting me; we're having a family day."

"oh? really? you should've informed us sooner," Yujin replied.

"i'm sorry, but that was unexpected. my sister was away, and she only returned home yesterday night. i didn't know," wonyoung stated, as they heard a footstep coming from the stairs. their attention was drawn to the girl who had just down the stairs.

liz, who had just returned from upstairs, exclaimed, "oh? heading home already?" Wonyoung nod. Liz's gaze was drawn to the girl who was tidying her belongings on the sofa. "you too?" Rei knows who she's talking to, but she doesn't look at her and instead nods.

oh? I assumed we'd go to the mall together.

"i really need to leave now. bye everyone," rei remarked as she abruptly departed, not even looking at Liz. Wonyoung later followed her, saying, "bye, I promise to come with you next time."

"so only the four of us are going to the mall?"

Liz's nose is filled with the aroma of new clothes, sweet treats, and perfume as soon as they step inside the mall. Yujin, Gaeul, Leeseo, and Liz, only four of them. Liz, who is just following the three, can't think clearly. she continues asking herself, what's wrong with Rei? it seems like the elder is avoiding her, she senses that Rei is being a little distant. Rei would never cancel a trip with her friends unless Liz was unable to go.

what exactly is the problem, Rei? what exactly did I do?

Gaeul looked behind her, only to see Liz practically left behind as she walked with a little, single step and her head down, gazing at her feet. she seemed to be in difficulties.

Gaeul then unlinks her arms from Leeseo's and goes to the girl who has almost been left behind. Liz felt a nudge on her left side and noticed Gaeul staring at her with worry.

"are you all right?"

she indicated with a shake of her head that she is not. she doesn't have the energy to communicate; in fact, since Rei began to distance herself, she has had less energy. Gaeul, on the other hand, is aware of Liz's situation. she needs to be present for her friends and advise them as an elder member.

"do you like her?"

Liz was caught aback by the unexpected statement. her eyes were wide open, and her mouth was gaping. she was apprehensive to respond. of course, once her friends find out, information will spread like wildfire, and Rei will find out right away. what's truly holding her back? she's terrified.

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