where is it?

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awakening to her best friend's panicked scream, followed by a violent crash, was not Wonyoung's preferred method of waking up. Wonyoung pushed herself from the comfy mattress, irritated at being forced up at this ungodly hour, knowing she couldn't trust Jiwon not to tear the entire place apart.

Wonyoung stumbled out of her room, only to find her beloved pink vase smashed on the floor, Jiwon alongside it, fumbling madly through the drawers while mumbling, "where is it... where is it?"

"Jiwon! my vase!" hissed Wonyoung as she noticed the smashed vase. Jiwon whispered an apology before resuming her frantic search.

"what the fuck happened, Jiwon?" growled Wonyoung. "what are you doing turning the apartment upside down at—" she cast a quick peek at the wall clock. "— six o'clock in the fucking morning?"

"my necklace! it's missing!" Jiwon said, startled Wonyoung, who wrinkled her brow at the mention of a necklace. she'd never thought of Jiwon as someone to own, let alone lose jewels to.



Wonyoung puzzledly smoothed back her long black hair. "what kind of necklace?"

"Won, you know what necklace!" Jiwon bemoaned. "my half-heart necklace with Rei's initials!"

Wonyoung scoured her brain for a recall of such a jewelry, but nothing came to mind. however, the fact that it had Jiwon's girlfriend's initials implied that Rei had given it to Jiwon, in which case losing it was not ideal.

"i'm not sure," Wonyoung said. Jiwon sighed loudly as she rushed from the drawers to the coffee table, throwing the magazines away and looking into the chrysanthemum plant.

"how could you not recognize my promise necklace?! Won, that pendant is the most precious item i possess, and i can't even find it!"

Jiwon sank onto the couch, her hands clutching her face. Wonyoung groaned and cranked up the coffee machine.

"slow down, I'm sure Rei understands-"

"this isn't about Rei being disappointed," Jiwon moved, her face buried in the couch cushions. "Wonyoung, the necklace meant everything to me; it was the farewell gift Rei gave me before she departed for Japan to study."

Wonyoung set the mug she had grabbed down as the coffee machine shut off, hearing Jiwon's desolation in her muffled voice.

"okay right," she said, sighing through her nose. "I'll help you"

Wonyoung and Jiwon showed up empty-handed hours later, making every attempt appear worthless. Jiwon seemed to be on the verge of a mental breakdown, while Wonyoung was extremely freaked out as she examined their apartment, which was a disaster.

"we've searched everywhere!" Jiwon said, her voice cracking. "Won, it's no longer here!"

Wonyoung was taken aback when she noticed tears welling up at the corner of Jiwon's eyes. if Jiwon wept over its loss, then the necklace meant more to her than Wonyoung could have imagined.

"i'm sorry, Jiwonie," Wonyoung said, laying a soothing hand on Jiwon's shoulder. "but there's nothing that can be done right now."

"I guess..." Jiwon trailed off at her comments, shrugging Wonyoung off and returning to her room. the taller girl sighed, clearly drained by the search she had just performed.

Wonyoung leaned back and grabbed one of the sofa cushions they'd flung carelessly onto the floor, grabbing for the remote and turning on the television. Wonyoung slumped into the plush, leaning her elbow into the sofa cushion, while she hurriedly fixed the couch.

Wonyoung felt the edge of her radius soring as it rested against grit while she switched through the channels. sighing in irritation, she probed around the cushion with her fingertips, surprised to find a flat disc of cool metal beneath the cotton cover.

"What the fuck, Jiwon?"

"don't worry, my darling," Rei's heavenly voice rang in Wonyoung's ears as she careened down the hallway to Jiwon's room's doorway, which was slightly ajar.

"no, Rei. you gave me that necklace with so much love—" Jiwon protested angrily, an indignant blush covering her cheeks. but just as Wonyoung was about to intercede, a subtle hush of comfort came from Jiwon's laptop screen, where Wonyoung could barely see the outline of the brunette who had Jiwon's heart.

Jiwon calmed down at the modest gesture. Wonyoung drew back behind the doorframe in dread of being found. She was astounded by Rei's impact on her bright best friend. Jiwon seemed calm with Rei, at ease with her heart and soul. Around Rei, Jiwon was whole.

"i gave you the necklace, Jiwonie, because I wanted you to carry a piece of me wherever you went," Rei said gently in her pixelated Skype form. "i wanted you to think of me in everything you did."

Wonyoung could almost hear Jiwon's adoring smile in her voice as she said, "I do. I always do, Rei; I love you."

"I know, sweetheart. I know. I realized that you don't need a heart with my initials carved into it to remember me, because I'm always here, in here."

Wonyoung pictured Rei placing her palm to her chest, just above her heart, and Jiwon's cheeks warming as silers flowed down over her chin.

Wonyoung sighed, astounded by the love she could tell the women shared even through the use of a simple conversation. they were intended to be together, Wonyoung felt, and she could almost feel the red string of fate linking their fingers, despite being so far away.

"and I'll never leave you. I'll be there for you till the end of the line. I love you."

"I love you more," Jiwon said softly, her fingertips delicately stroking the screen. "I love you 3000," she said.

"I love you endlessly," Rei said, placing her fingers exactly where Jiwon's would be, and Wonyoung smiled, knowing her irresponsible little best friend was in good hands.

among her fingers, the sun rays struck the jagged edges of half a metal heart, the letters N and R imprinted over it.


credits to the owner of the plot that i saw on internet!

anyways, i'm planning to make a one shot book of ive members, what do you guys think?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2022 ⏰

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