06. 💖Let it all out😭😭

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**Sarada's pov**

We were having such great time. Aunt Hinata was telling us stories of Boruto as a kid. From what I am hearing he sure had given aunty a lot of trouble. But then aunty was saying how Boruto would love to mess with his dad's work and both of them would chase each other down. Boruto would do everything he could in order to get uncle Naruto's attention. I was listening to her stories so attentively but it didn't take too long for Boruto to get pissed at something. Suddenly he said he wanted to go to his room. At first I was thinking that he might be angry cause his mom was telling his embarassing stories in front of his friend. But something inside me was telling no it can't be that simple. I think he is upset about something.

After he left everyone kept silent for a bit and then aunty Hinata said, "Oh.... Boruto...my boy. He always gets upset at the mention of his father. I should have known. He always locks himself up in his room for hours and sometime even days. At first we used to try so hard to comfort him but he never used to answer. So we kinda gave up now. We just let him be whenever he does that." I could feel the sadness in aunty Hinata's voice. Even hima looked sad.

"Umm.....if you wouldn't mind can I go talk to him a little bit..." I asked her. At first she was kinda shocked but then she nodded. And I slowly went upstairs.

There was one door at the end of the hallway. And I assumed it was boruto's room. I knocked but no reply came. I knocked a couple more times but then a really broken voice came through, "Just leave me.....alone please". But I couldn't leave him alone. I knew he was sad and he needed someone to comfort him. And something tells me that comfort is me.

"Boruto..... its me. Please open the door" I said. For a few minutes it was silent then the door slowly opened. His eyes and nose were red. I quickly opened the door and gave him a tight hug.

He was frozen like a statue. I guess he didn't expect anyone to hug him. But then he slowly gave away. He slowly but hesitantly wrapped his arms around my waist. It kinda made me blush at how close we were. But right now this is exactly what he needed. I than ran one of my hands through his hair. And started to slowly stroke them. His head was now laying on my shoulders. I could feel his tears. I tried to slowly walk us in the room. After I reached inside we both sat down on the floor still hugging. I patted his back and told him, "Just let it all out.....We can talk about it later."

It didn't even take him a second break down on my shoulder. He was crying and crying, nonstop tears falling. But I didn't stop him. He can't make these tears caged in himself all the time. He needs to let them out to somebody. And I think I am the one he should do it to.

After maybe ten minutes of crying he finally started to get back to normal. I slowly patted his back. I was about to break the hug but then I felt a strong hold on my waist. I realized Boruto was not letting go of me and was now hugging me even more tightly.

Before I could even say anything he said, "Please don't break the hug yet.....please lets be like this for a little longer....Sarada". It did creep a blush on my cheeks but I guess he needs to be hugged a little longer.

After a few minutes he was now breaking hug. We now sat close to each other while leaning towards the bed frame. We were still sitting on the floor. But now he was looking down. He couldn't even look me in the eyes. So I put my hands in his cheeks. Trying to lift his face up lightly. His eyes were swollen from all the crying. His nose was red. But finally we made eye contact. His ocean blue eyes lost in my onyx eyes. We were so close and I didn't want this eye contact to break for some reason. I slowly wiped the remaining tears from his cheeks. I could see him blush lightly. Although I couldn't figure if it was because of all the crying. But I think he is blushing.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2022 ⏰

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