The Greatest Gift to Give

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The Greatest Gift to Give

A/N: I finally saw the new "Trolls" holiday special, "Holiday in Harmony", only about a few days ago, and I just loved it! The last part of the short film reminded me of another scene that I love from another one of my favorite franchises, which is funny enough from Dreamworks as well, "Dreamworks Dragons: Race to the Edge". It was also between another one of my favorite shippings ever.

When I thought of the similarities between the two scenes, I wondered about Poppy's point of view during the holiday special, since she said that she did have some trouble with finding the perfect gift for Branch as well. I wondered how that could have gone, and when I was thinking about her struggle, and with that scene from "Race to the Edge" in my mind, this little one-shot of holiday romance was created.

I hope you guys like it! And action!

Poppy couldn't be any more excited, the wide and bright smile threatening to split her face in two. She got Branch! She got her boyfriend as her Secret Person! She was practically bursting at the seams with joy and excitement as she practically skipped over to her pod to come up with an idea on what to give him for the Holiday Gift Swap.

When she arrived, she quickly closed the door behind her and then jumped onto her bed, grabbing her pillow and squealing loudly into it, feet kicking rapidly as if she was a lovestruck teenage girl again. True, she and Branch had only been dating for a few months, but they were the best months of her life, without a doubt.

Yes, maybe not a whole lot has changed in their relationship, at least significantly. They were still the best of friends, but there was a new level of intimacy between them. Nothing intense or seductive, but it was new and very much welcomed. They're more playful, more understanding of each than they ever thought possible, and definitely more flirty.

Maybe they're taking things a little slower than most other couples, but she respects that, knowing that Branch is not overly touchy-feely due to him isolating himself from everyone for pretty much his whole life. But he is very thoughtful and romantic, so the cute and little things he does for her definitely makes up for that.

Yes, maybe she would like them to be kissing more, but despite her longing for more physical contact and Branch's romanticism, they both still are shy about things like that, since neither of them had ever been in a serious relationship before. The brief little "mutual" attraction she had with Creek didn't count.

She took a deep breath to calm herself, and then removed the pillow from her face. "Okay." She said, a more determined smile replacing her joyous one. "I gotta find Branch the most awesome and perfect gift ever! For our first holiday celebration as boyfriend and girlfriend."

Poppy went over to her desk, took out a notepad and her favorite purple glitter pen. She then started to think about what to give the coolest Troll she had ever known. Well, Branch always was a bit on the mysterious side, even back in his bunker days, but once Poppy really got to know him after he started to open up little by little, she learned that he definitely wasn't your average Pop Troll. But in a good way. The best way.

The pink Pop queen then started to put her glitter pen to paper, eager to come up with an idea on possible gifts for her sweet and adorable boyfriend. He deserved nothing but the best.


Four hours had passed, and Poppy was surrounded by mountains of crumpled up papers piling her desk. Most of them were blank, while a few had visible purple glittery marks on them.

"Nothing!" She exclaimed, banging her head on the desk multiple times. "No ideas! Useless, empty brain!"

There was a knock on her pod door, and her father came in. "Poppy?" Peppy called out to his daughter. "Is everything okay?"

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