Asking the Same Question Part Two

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A/N: Here we go, with Part Two!

Asking the Same Question

Part Two

Several hours later, after making sure of everything else ready, and getting the Snack Pack on board with her plan, Poppy was enjoying a quiet candlelit picnic dinner with Branch as they sat on top of a hill a couple of miles away from the village, watching the sun go down completely and the stars beginning to appear in the darkening purple of twilight.

She sighed happily through her nose with a little hum as she leaned her head against her boyfriend's strong shoulder. He just smiled at her and then gently linked his fingers with hers, holding them lovingly; his other arm carefully wrapped around her waist, holding her close. She then gave the hand that was holding hers a loving squeeze, loving the warmth of it.

"I wish it could be like this all the time." Poppy said, snuggling into his embrace.

Branch raised a curious brow at her. "Really?" He asked. "You're actually preferring something quiet like this over a party? Do I need to call a Poppy 911?"

Poppy briefly glared up at him for making a joke like that. "Don't you even dare." She said.

Branch just chuckled, leaning forward and gently kissing the top of his girlfriend's head.

"Just teasing." He said. "But yeah. I agree. We've both been so busy lately, I wish that I can just stay out here forever. With you."

Poppy looked at him lovingly with a soft smile. "Me, too." She whispered.

She closed her eyes in bliss as she listened to the actually wonderful silence around them, the only sounds she was hearing was the faint buzzing of bugs and Branch's heartbeat from her comfy spot against his shoulder.

Then, when she opened her eyes again, she looked up at Branch and saw that his own eyes were closed, relishing in the quiet of the approaching night. She was glad that he was, because she was sure that it wouldn't last long.

Just then, out of the corner of her eye, she saw Legsly, her legs three times her normal height, holding up a large sign, which said, "Now?"

Poppy stole one last look up at Branch, his eyes still thankfully closed. She then glanced back over at Legsly and gave her a thumbs-up with her free hand. When the purple Troll disappeared, she pretended to stretch out her limbs, making Branch open his eyes as she removed her head from his shoulder.

"Come on." She said as she started to get back up. "We should clean up." Her boyfriend just nodded, silently agreeing with her.

Both of them soon had all of their plates, cutlery and any leftover food put away back in the picnic basket that Branch had brought with him, and Poppy blew out the candles before tucking them inside of the basket also. From out of the corner of her eye, she saw that Branch was fiddling around with his fingers again, his eyes briefly flicking down at his pocket. She took that as her cue.

"Um, Branch?" She asked him, suddenly feeling a little nervous.

"Hmm?" Branch hummed as his girlfriend turned to face him as their roles suddenly switched, with him being the calm one and her feeling like her palms were sweating like crazy.

"There's just one more thing that I need to do today," Poppy began, trying her best not to stammer, "and I kind of need your help with it."

Branch smiled and shrugged. "Sure." He said.

"Great." Poppy said with a smile. "And I also need the help of our friends as well."

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