Pink Meets Gray With Blue

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A/N: Here's a first meeting with our two favorite Trolls! And action!

Pink Meets Gray With Blue

Thirteen-year-old Princess Poppy was currently on the run, panting heavily as she headed deeper and deeper into the forest, once in a while wiping away little beads of sweat from her brow or looking behind her to see if they were still after her.

The day had actually started off so great; with an amazing morning musical number after breakfast, going to school, and then having a nice lunch with her friends. But now, it had pretty much turned into her worst nightmare.

Why did she have to sneeze?! It was just a simple, itty-bitty sneeze! Which happened only because her nose was a little itchy. Nothing drastic or concerning. And yet, that was enough to send the entire village into a panicked frenzy, thinking that their young and beloved princess could be very ill.

They were about to tuck her into bed and make her "rest" for a week, having thirty bowls of hot soup at the ready, spoons out, and the doctor was holding both a thermometer and an ice pack in her hands when Poppy decided to just make a run for it. However, that apparently wasn't enough to deter them as they all went after her, shouting out to her to not "overexert" herself and get her into bed, with every other Troll having a bowl of soup in his or her hands, being extra careful to not spill a single drop of the warm broth.

She ran as fast as she could to try and get away from the large crowd of overly worried Trolls when suddenly, she crashed into something solid, firm and warm. For one little, brief second, she mentally berated herself for not looking where she was going.

That is, until she had heard the surface she bumped into exclaim, "Ow!"

Okay, it wasn't a something. It was a someone. A guy, apparently; sounding a little bit like he could be around her age. But she couldn't put a name to it. It was.... an unfamiliar voice? She thought that she knew everyone in the village. But his voice just doesn't ring a bell.

Suddenly, Poppy knew that she had to put that on the side for now, since there was hardly not enough time for her to get back to running. She had to come up with a plan and fast.

However, the person that she crashed into started to speak again. "What is your-"

"Quiet!" Poppy said, cutting him off.

She quickly grabbed the person and brought both of them down into a nearby hole. She then immediately placed her hand over his mouth as the Trolls continued their unnecessary search for her. Once she was sure that they were gone, she breathed out a sigh of relief.

But then she remembered too late that she was still covering someone's mouth, and he forcefully pried her hand away for him to actually breathe.

"Princess Poppy." He said simply, acknowledging her.

He sounded a little gruff, but at least he was being polite; and he apparently does know who she is if he was addressing her by her title and not just her name. So it seemed that they never had met face to face before.

"No, please. Just-" She was cut off when she finally got a good look at the Troll next to her.

What first jumped out to her was his beautiful sky blue eyes. But then, she realized that that was the only bright color that he had in him, for the rest of his appearance was looking pretty stormy. His skin was a dull flinty gray color and his surprisingly short hair, at least compared to most other Trolls, was as black as ebony. His ears, they were also not like other Trolls; pointed and spreading out from his head a little like a goblin's.

He looked about a couple of years older than her; probably around fifteen or sixteen, and looking fairly strong and built. His clothes were also looking pretty shabby, wearing only a handmade leaf vest and dull brown shorts that had a few patches on them.

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