17 1 31

He looked at me with his tired, brown eyes. His messy hair is covering his eyebrows. He rudely snatched the item away from me. He slowly scanned it. I swear he was testing my patience.

I walked to the tiny fridge they had and grabbed a Heineken. I put down the beer on the counter.

I handed him a 20.

While he was trying to figure out how to open the cash register.

I tried helping him out "you have to scan it." Surely he's smart enough to know that right? He looked up at me with a 'I know that' look.

I felt judged.

I bent over the counter and pressed 'open' on the register. He murmured a thanks.

"Seems like you come here often. Even knows how to work the cash register. Impressive" he laughs at himself while he looks at me. "Yup, takes real mad skills to do that." "I see.  ID please" he states, pointing at the beer I got like 5 minutes ago. It's probably all warm and nasty now. Curse you hot boy.

I shoved my hand in my pocket, fishing for my wallet while keeping eye contact. I couldn't find it. "Fuck" I whispered under my breath. "What's that sweetheart? You're under 18?" He said making a pouty face. I'm so close to punching him. "I turned 18 a year ago come on" I groaned "no ID no drink" he shrugs.

As I was about to say something I felt a crusty hand on my ass. "She's with me. Give her the damn drink" this old grandpa said smirking at me. I felt dirty. I was gonna cry. I didn't say anything.

Rando didn't even care and he scanned my items. I was gonna off myself.

Grandpa came close to my ear and whispered "I like them young".  My eyes widened so fast that I'm pretty sure they were about to pop out. My hands are gripping on the counter so hard, my knuckles are turning white.

I looked up at him and he looked down at me. "Names Tony" ew what kind of name is Tony. Sounds like a name I would put for a giraffe. I mean he does have a long ass neck. So I slap it. 


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