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It's around 3:35 when I came home. I was about to open the door when I heard my dad snoring. I decided not to risk it, so I went through the window.

The reason why I'm so late was because one of my "friends" threw a party for me. I don't really do friends. I don't get it. I know that sounds cheesy but why waste your time to hang out with people that won't even be there for the rest of your life.

I don't even know why he threw it, but it was a good excuse to leave the house.


There's a huge tree between my house and my neighbors house so I use that to climb up into my room. I've never seen my neighbor before. Only once, which was the back of their head. It sounds like a girl though. And how I know this is because her and her mom fight almost everyday.

The girl was telling her to go to a meeting. And she tells her that every fucking day. Fuck parents. At least go to a parenting class or some shit like that.

One thing I promised myself is to never become like my dad.


As I went up into my room I got a call. It was from Ali. I swear to fucking god he annoys the living shit outta me, but he lets me stick around the store when I don't wanna go home.

I picked up the phone. He wasn't saying anything so I began "what Ali it's the middle of the night" I groaned "I know I know but listen. I got a cute ass date right now and I need u to take over my shift" he stammered "Ali you are aware that it's almost 3 right?" A few seconds pass before I realize "holy shit. You're finally getting fu-" he cut me off before I could finish my sentence. Which is probably for the best.

"Yes yes so please. Thank you" his accent was thicker this time. "Have fun" I said smirking at myself. And with that I ended the call and headed out the window again.

I sat in my car for a few minutes, waiting for my seat to heat up. It's fucking freezing.

As I arrived there, there was already a line. A line of alcoholics. Jesus fucking Christ. You're telling me I have to deal with this? They're all cussing at me and saying random shit that I don't really care enough to listen.

I grabbed a stool and sat there while I scanned people's items.

I swear I'm going to fall asleep right here.

Someone came up to the desk and threw bandages of all sorts onto the counter. I don't want to lift my head, I'm in such a comfortable position.

I looked up to see if they had anything else and holy shit. I think I just saw the hottest person to ever walk this earth. She had chocolate brown eyes, messy waves, and a table cloth wrapped around her hand?

I took my time scanning the items. She walked away and came back with a beer. I scanned the items and she handed me a 20$ bill. Fuck. I don't know how to open the cash register to give her the change. Most people just hand me their cards and I scan it or they just take it.

"You have to scan it" she said in a duh tone. I knew that, do I look that dumb. But I feel like I've heard her voice somewhere.

I scanned it again. Get it together Matt you're embarrassing yourself.

She reached over the counter and pressed 'open'. How did I not see that. I muttered a thanks. I looked at her for a few seconds, she raised her eyebrow in question. "Seems like you come here often. Even knows how to work the cash register. Impressive" i grinned. "Yup, takes real mad skills to do that." This might sound weird but she's adorable. "I see. ID please." I said pointing at the beer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2022 ⏰

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