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Some people refer to it as hearing the voice of God, while others call it a deep knowing. Universally, we recognize it as 'intuition.'

Hello, I go by 'The Walking Portal.' You might find my name a bit unusual, but it was the only one available.

Ever since I was a toddler, I displayed early signs of remarkably strong intuition. I would often share wise words with my family, schoolmates, and even at my old church. Some people dubbed me the "Psychic kid," and I occasionally faced teasing at school for being different. However, this intuitive trait would become a defining feature of my life, setting me apart from everyone else.

I became the go-to person for advice, fielding questions about whether to seize certain opportunities, deciphering romantic interests, or predicting the outcome of football games - you name it!

At times, it was overwhelming, but it was immensely fulfilling to help so many people. It provided a sense of purpose and value at a tender age. There were moments when I felt like a modern-day version of Jesus, multiplying loaves and fish to feed thousands. As a child, Jesus was my role model, so emulating him was an honor. Sometimes, I'd listen to my own words and wonder, "Where did that wisdom come from?" Or I'd experience goosebumps and tears, moved by the profound impact I had on people's lives. It could be draining, but a little solitude and rest always rejuvenated me.

Over time, I've taught many people how to tap into that elusive inner voice. They often ask, "How do I connect with my intuition?"

To embark on this journey, we first need to understand what intuition truly is. Intuition is that innate knowing or understanding, devoid of conscious reasoning or external knowledge.

It can manifest as a feeling, a mental image, a faint voice, or even a sudden insight that seems to come from nowhere. These experiences might bring tingling sensations or a strong conviction, sometimes accompanied by joy, inexplicable dread, or unease.

Distinguishing intuition from our own emotions can be challenging. Here's a key differentiator: intuition provides clarity, while emotions often lead to reaction. Intuition informs; emotions respond.

The path of intuition is akin to a roller coaster, marked by ups and downs, twists, and turns. You may encounter triggers that stir deep emotional struggles along the way. It won't always be a walk in the park.

This book will help you nurture and grow your intuitive gift. Some parts will be deeply inspiring, while others may stir uncomfortable emotions and memories. As these words enrich your mind, you'll forge a profound connection with your true self and purpose.

This book serves as a response to the many questions I've received about intuition. It delves into the foundations of embracing and nurturing this gift. Even if you doubt your intuitive abilities, you can peel away the layers of self-doubt and discover your true vision, step by step, bridging the gap to your seemingly unattainable dreams.

I'll share my stories, experiences, and insights gained along the way. These stages and tips are invaluable for strengthening your intuition. While certain paths aren't for everyone, the development of intuition is a birthright. It's a natural part of being human. Not everyone needs to be a mystic or possess extraordinary psychic powers, but everyone can tap into their inner voice, guided uniquely.

You may have internal struggles concerning this subject. You might have been told it's impossible, dismissed it as unreal, or been discouraged by religious beliefs labeling it as "evil." Let me be clear: these are all falsehoods!

There's mounting evidence that suggests we all possess a sixth sense. One by one, we confront our learning curves. Countless testimonies show that paying attention to dreams and listening to our instincts leads to remarkable achievements.

Intuition isn't just about foreseeing the future or uncovering people's secrets, as it's often portrayed. It liberates you from external opinions, including your ego. It invites you to be part of the universal force that binds everything together, known by many names: 'Christ,' 'God,' 'The Universe,' or simply 'Energy.'

While some may view intuition as an enigmatic force above us, it's as natural as breathing—it resides within us.

Although I'll reference Jesus (as 'Jes') in this book, it's not a religious text, nor does it exclusively endorse any religion. I hold my own beliefs and spirituality, which may differ from yours.

You may not subscribe to all the stories and experiences I share, and that's perfectly fine. This book isn't about debating religious beliefs or the existence of a divine intelligence. It's about setting aside preconceived notions and embracing the book's insights on intuition. Apply these principles in your own way. Discover and master who you can be and who you are.

I strongly recommend keeping a journal if you don't already. Use it to record your dreams, thoughts, feelings, and experiences—both positive and negative. Journaling will help you delve deeper and track your progress.

By the end of this book, you'll uncover fascinating discoveries about yourself and your path.

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