Chapter 4: Part 1

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"...they're getting married! Isn't it great?"

"I bet she's pregnant."

My two friends conversed. They'd been going back and forth discussing someone's wedding. I wasn't so invested in the conversation because I was stressed.

Two fingers snapped in front of me," Hello??? Are you with us?" Dominique stared at me quizzically. I quickly sat up and adjusted myself, "yes! Sorry. I'm just a bit out of it. Who's getting married?"

Denise stared up from her phone, "Lisa and Clive. Honey, I don't care and even I know that. Are you pregnant or something?"

I felt taken aback. "W-what? No! Of course not." I folded my arms, "Making a kid is a team effort and I'm... celibate. I'm just distracted. Back to Lisa and Carltan." I said.

"Clive." Denise said in a corrective tone. I threw a packet of tomatoe sauce at her, "Yeah, yeah..." She looked up at me and playfully rolled her eyes. She was about to speak when her phone went off, "ooh! It's the Boyfriend! Gotta go!" She hurriedly stood and grabbed her things.

Everyone waved her off and their attention shifted to me, "So...How's the new neighbourhood. Anything interesting happen?", Dominique moved closer, "Have you met a man yet? Hmm?" She repeatedly raised her eyebrows at me.

I hesitated for a minute. Should I share all the shady shit that has happened so far?


"Um, nothing. Nothing's happened. It's a pretty quiet area." I was bluffing.

"Let's talk about your date for the wedding." I said quickly.

That seemed to work as Dominique went on a full-blown rant about how she and her boyfriend would have matching outfits and reside at the hotel where the reception would be held for a few days after the wedding.

This spured everyone else into sharing their plans for the upcoming celebration.

I spent the remainder of the outing watching my friends converse.

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