Chapter 5

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I was in a dark room and my back was pressed to a cold brick wall.

The air was static and I felt myself panic more as I tried to make sense of my environment.

In one swift moment, the door flew open and a tall dark figure stomped towards me. I couldn't see the person but my eyes caught the shine of a large sharp object in their left hand.

Just as a scream was about to erupt from my throat, my neck was sliced.

It was a sharp pinch but the aftermath was the gruesome part. The velocity of the sharp object slicing through my skin and against my voice box brought more shock than it bought pain. Soon My throat was literally falling apart and I was choking on my own blood.

I tried to reach for my sliced neck but my hands were bound. My assailant stood above my body and watched the life drain out of me. Soon my twitching and gurgling stopped and I was met with blistering darkness.

I woke up startled and gasping for air as my hands located my neck. It was just a nightmare. I stood up and rushed to the nearest mirror to confirm that I was still in one piece.

Not again.

It'd been 3 days since I'd read the threatening message that was addressed to me. Anxiety consumed my dreams. I also lost focus at work a lot and couldn't function properly.

Consequently, most of my employers were losing patience with me. I got sent home early yesterday because I avoided getting fired by crying. So now I've got  4 off days to "deal with my emotional problems".

I didn't know what to do. I had nobody here in Canada and the police would just waste my time. I laid in my bed and did what I do best...

I stressed in my bed.

My feelings of anxiety only worsened as time moved past to the point that bile rose up my throat and my stomach burned.

I sprang out of bed and ran into the bathroom

With my face hovering over the toilet bowl I let all my stress and anxiety out in the form of gooey, partly digested yellow mess.

It was painful.

Just when I thought I'd let it all out, more came and the back of my throat hurt from all the aggressive gagging I'd been doing for the past few minutes.

Finally my stomach was empty and with a sharp exhale, I slumped away from the toilet.

I hadn't realized that I was crying. My cheeks were wet with fresh tears and I couldn't control sobs from breaking out.

I didn't want to feel like this.

Moving away from home was supposed to be an opportunity for me. It wasn't supposed to be like...this.

I got up and went to the sink to wash my mouth and my face. 

When I turned the tap off I looked up at my mirror and my heart crippled a little when I saw my reflection.

I was drained.

I didn't get to continue wallowing in my misery because my cellphone went off.

I retreated to the bedroom to fish it out of my handbag and answered.


"Hey Love, I'm going to be having a house warming tonight. Do you maybe want to come over?"

While I had nothing to do, I felt the need to decline Mike's offer and rather stay in doors to rest. 

"Come on Gorgeous, considering how beat you looked this morning, it seems like a night out is what you need." he urged.

I released a defeated sigh. He was right and maybe a night away from the ghetto that was my life would do me some good.

I gave in and he told me what time to arrive. From now, I had 45 minutes to freshen up and put on the greatest performance of my life...pretending to be happy.

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