A new member casually comes in

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When they reached the cafe, Selene took the time to admire the open feeling of the cafe. It made her glad, as she loved open places. It was decorated with many plants and wasn't too crowded at this time. The floor was made of wood and polished, sadly it was almost to the point of slippery with her very bad hand-eye coordination at the moment.

Yelena was scanning the whole place and she suddenly decided to take a place at the back, for some weird reason, and they sat there. It wasn't right in the corner, but it was a fine place overall. They waited there for ages while Selene was rapping up her injuries.

A person came up and asked them if they were going to take the buffet as they were sitting there for a long time. Yelena said," Oh, we're just waiting for a friend, he'll come in some time."

"In how much time exactly?" Selene was more worried about her injury so she didn't notice what the person looked like but the voice sounded curious.

"Oh just a little while." Yelena sounded very cheerful. Selene could hear the person's footsteps fade away on the wooden floor.

"What friend Yelena? I thought you were the only one," Selene disregarded her rude voice but she really despised Yelena right now and only let her come along because Yelena would have followed her anyways.

"Mateo. I guy I met and he healed my injuries. I just want to tell you about these monsters. Trust me here." 

"Trust you," Selene looked at Yelena in astonishment. "How do you suppose I do that? You lied to me remember, or do you have a really bad memory?" Selene's voice was sharp and cutting which made Yelena look down. Turning away, Selene tried to look anywhere but Yelena. 

"Secondly- how does she not notice our injuries?"

"I thought you didn't trust me". Yelena's voice was cold and Selene felt a pang of guilt at that sentence. She just felt hurt that a person she trusted would lie to her. A lie that could have got her family killed. A small voice in her head told her that Yelena was just trying to protect her but anger washed over Selene again and she dismissed it.

A guy with blonde hair and blue eyes marched in, wearing a comfy-looking leather jacket. Selene could barely even hear the footsteps, despite the fact that he was wearing boots. He had a backpack along with him, which was carelessly slung over his shoulder. It was cyan in colour and his shirt was a deep blue. He made his way over to their table, his eyes moving rapidly. He looked at Yelena who had taken the moment to laugh really loud, and if Selene hadn't known her she would have thought it was real.

He sat down on the chair next to them and motioned to the buffet. Yelena shook her head, walked off and came back a few minutes later.

"What did you do Yelena?" He questioned.

"Don't worry Mateo I simply ordered the cheapest stuff. Egg on toast- since we have a person younger than twelve, a raisin toast and a croissant. We better hurry up, finish this food and leave. The waitress looks annoyed seeing us here. And it's nearing twelve soon. A monster could attack us. We have one more person." 

The newly named Mateo nodded. Then he gestured at Selene and asked, "You told her yet?" 

"No, I haven't. She doesn't trust me on that"

Selene looked at them, confused, even though she nodded on that last statement. "What the hell are you two taking about?"

"We'll tell you later. First just finish your food." Mateo actually looked concerned at her injuries so Selene decided to listen.


Mateo had gone to the cafe as soon as possible. He was full of energy, though he did his best to hide it. He walked into the cafe scanning the place. Looking around, he tried to see which ones could be monsters. None yet, but there could be a monster hiding somewhere. Hearing a laugh, his attention was diverted to a table that seemed to simply blend in. Annoyed at himself for not noticing it, he decided that Yelena was good at staying inconspicuous. The girl next to Yelena had choppy blonde hair, almost white that reached till her shoulders. She had light blue eyes and some freckles around her nose. She was clutching her cheek and Mateo figured that was where she had gotten hurt. Coming to a realization that this was Selene.

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