Chapter 12

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The chaos finally goes down.

Panicked, Selene covered her head instinctively and started to run. Drew was right beside her. Selene felt the blood from her hands seep into her hair, but when she stopped for a second, Drew pushed her again.

"Great," Drew said," we just destroyed a demigod safehouse."

"Amazing right," Yelena said from where she was next to Drew. Mateo rolled his eyes and told them to just continue running. They reached out on the street, and Selene was hit by the noise of the cars honking and the people shouting. The air was clouded with dust and smoke, making Selene cough when she took a deep breath. Slowly turning back to the demigod safehouse, she saw people running out of it, armed with knives (obviously demigods) and the place crumbling down.

"Oh my gods," Mateo breathed out. Yelena whispered something to him and he scowled. "Shut up Yelena. My organization skills aren't that bad."

Collapsing on the ground, Selene asked, "How long till we reach Camp Half-Blood?"

Drew shrugged, "Well, Yelena told me the plan, so we have to hotwire a car to Richmond where we can go to brookfield plaza and then to New York. Just a day more," then she raised her eyebrows, "I thought you already knew that."

Selene sighed, infuriated, "do I need to remind you again, I haven't run away or something before."

"And yet you did it without thinking," Yelena murmured under her breath. Selene groaned, frustrated.

"Just," she was stopped by Yelena noticing the blood on her hair.

"What the Hades is that," Mateo said, noticing the same. He hurried over to her and looked at her arms, one of which was still wrapped up from whatever he had done earlier. He looked at her hands, which were bleeding. He removed Selene's hastily done bandages and took out a water bottle. He washed it carefully, before doing some other stuff Selene didn't focus on, and then wrapped her hands in bandages again.

"Guys," he announced, "no one is going to let her fight. She doesn't have any training and her arm and ankle were hurt a short time ago and she's certainly not helping herself heal," he turned his gaze to her and Selene awkwardly moved her thumbs. "Okay."

Yelena nodded and Drew shrugged.

"I have a question," Selene announced, "when do I get claimed or whatever you call it?" She pointed at her head.

Yelena sighed, looking down. "You might not," Selene was about to ask why but Yelena continued, "But you might if your godly parent cares enough." She crossed her arms and glared up at the sky.

"Please," Selene whispered, but nothing happened and she got up.

"Well time to hotwire a car Mateo," Yelena said, grinning. Mateo grinned slightly and walked off, leaving them to sit around.

"We didn't have to hotwire a car you know," Drew stated.

"Oh I know you could have just told one person to give them the car," Yelena grinned, "just wanted him to get extra practice."

"What the hell are you planning?" Selene grinned.

"Oh look, I just found a bunch of pranksters," Drew muttered.

"Pretty sure with your charmspeak you do stuff like that," Yelena said, causing Drew to shrug her shoulders innocently. Mateo came around the corner, shouting at them to join him. The van that he was using was dirty, looked like it could break down, but they had to take what they could.

"I call shotgun," Selene immediately shouted, causing Yelena to sigh and say something in... Russian under her breath and Drew just walked to the back calmly.

Selene was glad that she called shotgun, not wanting to panic when the back of the van closed. It was musty and dirty and no way would Selene not panic about it. She preferred to call shotgun whenever possible.

After a little while, around five minutes, Selene's mind went back to the dreams she had. Who were those people? She remembered how the guy's scythe had turned into a piece of metal, and her mind flashed back to Yelena doing the same. Selene thought about it. Maybe it was telling her something about the scythe? But the scythe wasn't Yelena's, that Selene knew. Mateo had given it to her.

If that was the case, then that guy could have been Mateo's friend. But then, what happened to that guy? Why did Selene need to know about them? And what of that woman that was sitting there, why did she say Selene was cursed? Her eyes widened in disbelief, the woman had called her daughter. Could she have, after so many years, finally met her mother?

Selene stared outside, and her mind flashed to the last thing she had seen. That girl, who died, why did Selene need to know about that without information? What was she supposed to do? Whenever Selene thought about telling Mateo anything, her mouth snapped shut of its own accord and all the thoughts fluttered through her mind.

"We're there," Mateo said after fifteen minutes. Noticing the time, he frowned slightly. "We'll have to wait for six hours since it comes at four forty-seven A.M. Sleep." Selene gave a nod and snuggled into the car seat as much as she could. The last thing he heard before dozing off was Mateo declaring that he'd take first watch.

Hope you like the chapter! Sorry for not updating for so long. Another update coming either next week or soon :))

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