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"Rafael Hunt will come to meet you tomorrow. He wants to meet you before taking you with him." Maria's head snapped to Rose as she gulped down hearing aunt's words.

But Rose's face was stone hard. She blankly nodded at the woman who sighed heavily. She tried stepping closer to Rose.

"Rose my daughter--" Rose held her hand up motioning her to stop.

"I heard what you said. Now get out." She sneered lowly glaring at the woman before turning her head to the window looking out of it blankly.

She stared at the foggy window as it was chilly outside. But less cold than Rose's face. Her aunt bit her lower lip and walked out of the room leaving the duo alone.

"Rose aren't you scared?" Maria said with a pout. Even though it was still a week left before Damien will take Maria but after seeing how the beast of a body he has she was scared. He looked way too much bigger than her.

"No." She simply replied looking away. And it was the truth. She wasn't scared not even a bit. For her it was nothing. She had faced way scarier than just being a toy for a cruel man.

Maria sighed looking down missing Valerie. She didn't even call them and Maria was worried if her master would be treating Valerie better after all Valerie has always been an obedient shy and innocent girl. She deserves a world.

Rose stared at the foggy window blankly before a smiling familiar face flashed on the window making her shut her eyes. She shook her head before walking out of the room.

She didn't want to hallucinate the only painful memory of her life. Ignoring confused Maria she walked out of the room and decided to clean the living room.

She always does that. To run away from the bad memories of her past she always busies herself with work. Trying to drive her mind away from those heart-wrenching memories.


"Am I feeding you for this kind of shitty work?" Rafael slammed the file on the man's face making him step back in fear. He was looking down in pure fear as Rafael again growled.

"FUCKING TAKE THIS SHIT AND GET OUT. YOU ARE FIRED." The man teared up running out for his life.

Rafael loosened his tie throwing it away on the table. He was tired and mad. They had been working on this important project for the past week and they had to present it in the next three days but the presentation was ruined as the man who was given the main work didn't even complete it.

Now he had to do that work himself as well. He was about to start working but before that door of his office got slammed open. He looked up with a glare and it didn't change even after seeing who came.

"I thought you must be tired so I decided to come here." The girl said making her way to him.

She leaned against the table staring at him. "Do you need my help daddy?" She whispered leaning to his face but his expressions didn't change. They were hard as a rock.

"Get out." He said with a poker face but his glaring eyes didn't change.

The girl blinked at his cold words before trying to touch his shoulder but he grabbed her wrist and twisted it in a painful manner making her yelp out.

"I said FUCKING GET OUT!" This time he growled loudly jerking her body away. She fell on the floor rubbing her wrist. Tears kissed her cheeks feeling pain in her hand.

"Didn't I already tell you to not contact me again? It was just a nightstand. Don't ever try to come here again. You are lucky that I like your work otherwise it wouldn't take me a minute to fire you. Don't ever show me your face again. Because next time there will be no more chances. NOW GET OUT!"

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