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(Yey, sorry for all of these parts coming out so slowy, I've had to think really hard just to continue the story because I have no motivation, or ideas. Also please, I would appreciate it oh so greatly if you could help me create a hero name. I've been stuck on it for so long, also pay no minds to these little notes at the beginning of stories)

(Oh also, just pretend your stuttering, I do apologize but it takes a little bit of time, and it also makes the text look quite messy and may be hard to read, for me at least. So I do apologize for that)

Everyday started as usual, wake up and check my phone, then get ready for school, then actually go to school. For some reason it took this long to realise just how big the school really is,

"Why the hell is this school so big-" I blurted quietly to myself then walked inside. I quietly hurry to my classroom and meet a few familiar faces around.

"Glasses hey! Oh hey tape arms" I greet them and they say hello back, I felt like I just barged into their conversation and they don't really want me here.

"So what were you guys talking about?" I start off, looking at them.

"A nothing too important, Just how unfortunate what happened to all might" Iida looked at me.

"Yea, I have a feeling there'll be more villains underestimating how strong the heros still are while all mights retired" Sero continued, showing concern with his arms crossed, half relaxed.

"It really is such a shame, but I know that endeavour is still really strong, he just has to work on having a hero like attitude, which I'm sure if he tried hard enough then he could achieve it." I included, a few other students had walked into the classroom, interacting with each other, until glasses instructed everyone to get ready to start the day.

"Oh I almost forgot to tell you, I'm moving into the dorms today!" I looked at sero.

"That's cool, do you know who you'll be next to?" He questioned, smiling.

"Not yet, which kind of sucks, I don't like suprises, I mean I don't even know what room I'll be in but it'll be fine". After both me and Sero, and a few other people made more conversation, we all decided to get to our desks, as to not get in trouble by either Iida or the teacher.

The class followed as it usual did. During break I hung out with tape arms and the others, blondey seemed more expressive today than he did yesterday or the other days before but I could tell that something was still bothering him. I decided to take note of how he interacted with everyone. But also took note of how everyone else acted, this group of people felt really comforting to be around. I could tell, or at least hope that we'll all be great friends. Nothing really important happened today, except for later today when my stuff gets moved into the dorms today, speaking of which, I really had no idea when I was getting my stuff here.

"I'll just ask the teacher later" I quickly go back to my old habits of talking out loud.

"Ask the teacher what?" Pinky called out, now looking at me curiously,

"Ah- about when Im moving my stuff in for the dorms today" I respond and pinky looked excited

"Today!? Woo! You didn't tell us you were moving in today" she said with a grin on her smile.

"Waa? Really? I thought I did tell you already, hm well maybe it was just tape arms and glasses who I told earlier today, oh well, it's not a joke when I say I have really bad memory problems-" I started mumbling down at the floor when someone interrupted me

"Your like Deku with your mumbling, stop it it's really starten' to annoy me" I look up to see blondey talking me to stop

"A Yea I've been trying to but you do know how hard it is to break a habit that you've been doing your whole life?" I say with a smile looking at him.

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