chapter two

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Dawn and Jodi walked together to their final class of the day shortly after the bell rang. "What are we even doing for hazing this year?" Dawn asked.

"Well Darla's technically in charge but during lunch we picked up nooks and some food." Jodi said with a shrug. Dawn grinned. "Whatever as long as its fun man."

"Oh here's your shirt." Jodi handed the girl her Seniors shirt. "We're all gonna change before we go pick up the freshman."

Their conversation was cut short when they entered their class. "You're late ladies." Their teacher said. "Sorry Ms. Stroud." Jodi said sitting at her desk. She was always the well behaved student.

Dawn sighed. "Its the last day Stroud can't you give us some slack?" The teacher gave her a stern look. "Whatever but be happy we showed up at all." She said sitting beside Jodi.

"Watch your tone Dawn." Ms. Stroud smiled. "Its the last day, be happy." The students all smiled at her. She was probably the only bearable at their school.

Dawn and Jodi shared a look when they saw Donny peak his head through the door. Smirking when his eyes landed on the red head.

"Cherry, c'mon. Skip out." Donny whisper shouted into the classroom. "Lets go get naked, right now."  The girl rolled her eyes. "C'mon, lets go."

"Not gonna happen Donny." Dawn whisper shouted back to him. "Oh Cherry, you loved it last time." Donny smirked. 

Dawn flipped off the boy but held a smile on her face. Pink sent a smack to his friends arm,  jealous.

It was known to all of their friends that Dawn would occasionally sleep with some of the guys who were single, specifically Donny, but not til recently did it bother Pink.

"Mr. Dawson, why don't you take it somewhere else?" Ms. Stroud said noticing the pair. "Mr. Floyd, are you gracing us with your presence today?"

Pink shrugged walking into the room. "Might as well." He gave a nod to Donny.

He sat on the other side of Dawn, forgetting his girlfriend was in the class. "Thought you guys were staking out the junior high?" Jodi asked him.

"A few of the guys are, but we wanted to see what you guys were doing this year." He told the girls. "We don't even know what we're doing." Dawn chuckled.

He smiled at the girl. "I'm sure it'll be great."

Dawn felt the glare of Simone on her back. "So, Pink, what made you decide to sit by me and not you girlfriend?" She asked him with a smirk.

His eyes went wide and looked of to Simone. "Shit, I totally forgot she was in this class man." 

"I'll see you later Dawn." He set his hand on her shoulder before rushing next to his girlfriend. 

Simone instantly wrapped her arm around him, locking eyes with Dawn. The red head smiled and sent her a small wave. Simone scowled and turned away.

"She is going to kill you Dawn." Jodi told her best friend. Dawn shrugged as the bell rang. "She's small, I can take her."

Jodi chuckled as the pair walked towards the bathroom to change. 

Dawn and Jodi rode to the Junior High in Shavone's truck. Kaye thought hazing was cruel so she skipped out.

"All right freshman sluts, into the trucks!" Darla shouted. "Wake up bitch! Open! Wake up! Open! Open!" She yelled as she put pacifiers into girls mouths.

Dawn and Jodi shared a look. They didn't want to make the girl uncomfortable, embarrass them sure, but they weren't totally evil like Darla.

Once the girls were in Dawn left to look for a few more. Her eyes landed on a blonde who was watching over the scene with a smile.

CHERRY BOMB ❇ RANDALL FLOYDWhere stories live. Discover now