chapter four

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Dawn climbed into Jodi's car. "We gotta pick up a freshman." Both girl said. "You got one too?" Jodi laughed and Dawn nodded. "Her names Stephanie, reminds me of how I was."Jodi smiled. "Yeah Sabrina reminds me of myself too."

Dream On by Aerosmith played over the radio. Dawn turned it up loud singing along to the lyrics. Jodi laughed at her friend. 

"I swear we better get tickets for this shit." Dawn told her they stopped at Sabrina's. "Hey girl, I'm Dawn." The red head smiled back at the younger girl.

But she quickly went back to calling out the lyrics of the song. "This is it." Dawn said pointing to Stephanie's house. "Shit I love that song." She said lighting a cigarette.

"Hey Steph." She blew out smoke as the girl got in the car. "This is my best friend Jodi and Sabrina is the other freshman we adopted."

Jodi sent the girl a wave before pulling back onto the road. Dawn passed over the cigarette. "Y'all want any?" She asked the younger girls.

The pair shared unsure looks. "Don't feel pressured just wanted to offer."

"So talk to Pink?" Jodi asked her. "We've been flirting but he totally dissed giving me a ride." Dawn told her. "He'll come around."

They noticed how nervous the girls looked in the back, making small talk. And it was exactly like how they had met. Both were adopted by the same group of senior girls.

"Hey you guys! Take it easy on the kid!" Jodi slowed when she saw some of the guys. "Ladies." Donny smirked at Dawn.

He opened his trunk revealing bottles of beer. "Donny toss me one?" Dawn asked. "Course Cherry." He tossed her a bottle.

"Who is that kid?" Jodi asked him. "Some kid we saw that shouldn't have been by the rec center." He shrugged.

Dawn took a long drink of her beer when she heard O'bannion's voice. She hated him, we everyone hated him, but she really did.

"Tubs, catch." Donny tossed the younger boy a beer as he ran from the seniors. "What're you wasting a beer on him for?" Benny complained. "Oh calm down Ben, kid deserves one." Dawn called out.

The boy quickly shut up, it was well know that not only did all of the boys have a crush on the girl, but they were all a little scared of her too.

"This fuckin' sucks. Last fuckin' day of school, no fuckin' party, no fuckin' nothin'." O'bannion shouted, throwing a bottle. "You wasted another bottle."

Jodi and Dawn both rolled their eyes at the boys.

"Can the girls get some beers?" Dawn asked Donny. He nodded grabbing three bottles. "Only for a kiss."

She rolled her eyes but gave the boys a short kiss, earning oohs from his friends. He backed away handing a beer to each girl.

"Hey it's my wife." He laughed when he saw Stephanie. The blonde flushed in embarrassment. "Leave her alone Donny."

Suddenly a car went flying by. "Hey! Fuck her, I did!" Someone yelled pointing at Dawn. "Bite me!" Donny yelled back. "You wish asshole." Dawn shouted.

"Lets get outta here." Jodi said. and the other girls nodded along. "Wait, I don;t get a kiss Cherry?" O'bannion teased. "Trust me, you'll never get a kiss from me." Dawn smirked.

"What, am I the only person you won't fuck?" She grinned. "Couldn't have said it better my self."

With that they headed for the Emporium. They took stand outside the door.

"This is sad." Dawn muttered, flipping her bottle cap. "What else are we gonna do?" Jodi asked. The girl shrugged. 

"Try snapping it." She explained to the younger girls who were struggling with the caps.

A smiled grew on the red heads face when she saw Pink walk out. "Pink!" She cheered running over to him. "Dawn." He grinned. "Hear anything more about a beer bust?" Jodi asked.

Pink pointed over to Wooderson. "Patience darlin', patience." He smiled at the girls.

They all watched as Mitch walked over to the two freshman girls. Dawn rolled her eyes as Wooderson sent the boy a thumbs up.

"Wooderson, leave my girls alone." She told him sternly and he laughed. "I mean it man." He held up hands. "You got it Cherry Bomb." She rolled her eyes at the nickname but smiled.

She gave the man a short hug. "It's been a while." He nodded. "That it has Cherry, but it's good to see you again."

"You still getting tickets tomorrow?" She asked him. "For sure, wanna come along?" He offered. "Depends on how hungover I am."

He chuckled wrapping an arm around the girls shoulders. "This why I love you girl." She smiled as he kissed the back of her head.

She knew that he could be a little creepy, but she had known him for years and he was like a big brother to her.

"So what'd you guys do with the statues?" Dawn asked turning to Pink. His eyes went wide. "Back here, c'mon." He said pulling the girl away from Wodderson.

Her eyes went wide when she saw them. "That so totally cool man." Pink smiled at her excitement. "Wouldn't have worked out without you."

"Don't give me so much credit." Dawn told him. He took a step closer to the girl. "You're amazing Dawn, you really are." She held her breath at his words. 

Pink leaned slightly. "We should head back out front." She said stepping back. His faced dropped in disappointment. 

CHERRY BOMB ❇ RANDALL FLOYDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora