chapter five

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Dawn stood between Pink and Steph, doing her best to ignore that Pink tried to kiss her. Of course she liked him but he has a girlfriend and was probably just confused. So she focused on braiding the blondes hair.

"Hey Slater, you fucking hippie, give me some drugs!" O'bannion shouted as they dropped of Donny. Everyone rolled their eyes. "Get some from your mother man." Slater called from Kev's car.

"We just bagged your mother." O'bannion said speeding off. "Fuck you dickhead!"

Donny walked over to them. "Whats going on? I haven't seen you in so long." Donny said to Wooderson. Man, what is happenin' ? Long time... no see." The pair did their handshake, both freshman cringed.

"What have you been up to?" Donny asked. "Same old shit man, working for the the city." Wooderson answered. "Been thinkin' bout gettin' back to school man."

Dawn's eyes went wide. "No shit. Like JC?" He nodded at her. "That's where all the girls are, right?" He laughed out.

"On the other hand, I'd just as soon keep workin', keep a little change in my pocket. Rather than listen to some dipshit... who doesn't know what the hell he's talking about." He explained.

"You two are freshman right?" He pointed to Steph and Mitch. Dawn gave him a look. "I know Cherry." He muttered to her.

PInk puffed on a cigarette, handing it to Dawn trying to get rid of the tension. She sighed but took it from him with a smile.

He looked back to them. "So tell me, how's this years crop of freshman chicks lookin'?" The older teens laughed. Steph and Mitch looked shocked. 

"Wood, you're gonna end up in jail sometime real soon." Donny laughed. "No man let me tell you." Wooderson started.

"That's what I love about these high school girls, man. I get older, they stay the same age." They all laughed. "Yes they do."

Slater got out of Kev's car. "You guys wanna go for a spin?" He asked. "Shotgun." Donny called running to the car. "Woods?" The man shook his head. "I'm here man."

"You gonna come along?" Pink asked Mitch. "Why not." He shrugged going to the car.

"Dawn?" Kev asked out the window. "I don't know." She said, still a little unsure of being around Pink. "Please?" Steph whispered, her eyes on Mitch.

She sighed running a hand through her red hair. "There's a joint with you name on it." Kev smirked. "All right, let's go." She finally gave in.

Pink, Mitch, Steph, and Dawn squeezed into the back. "Hey man, whose bowling ball is this?" Mitch asked. "It's yours." Kev laughed pulling out. The younger to shared a confused look.

"Dawn baby." Kev grinned handing a joint back to her. He then passed beers out to everyone.

Dawn took a few hits before passing it over to Pink. He gave her smiled, saying things were cool.

Pink handed it up to Kev who then gave it to Mitch. He paused but took a small hit before giving it to Steph. Dawn gave her a small nod and she took a hit before handing it to the older girl.

"Pull over to the trash here." Donny told Kev. He leaned out the window gabbing the can before throwing it at a mailbox.

The car filled with cheers. The teens were too drunk and high to think about the consequences. "Hey guys, pull over to that one." Pink said leaning out the window.

"Hold this." He handed Mitch his beer before grabbing a can. Everyone laughed as another mailbox came down.

Donny turned back to us. "Bowling ball, throw the bowling ball." He told Mitch. The boy grabbed it unsure. "Think I should?" Steph shrugged. "Only if you want to."

The chants coming from the older teens quickly swayed his decision. The boy leaned over Pink throwing the ball.

They watched as it plummeted into the back wind shield of a car. The two were terrified as the seniors went silent. They all stared at each other before laughing once again.

"Fuck 'em." Dawn said ruffling the boys hair. "That bowling ball said "Oof!" to that damn windshield!" Kev laughed. "You're nuts Junior, nuts."

Dawn handed her empty bottle Donny. "Anymore?" He shook his head. "Man we're outta beer. We gotta make a grab n' go stop."

"I don't have any money. Who's got money?" He asked to the car. "Gave mine to Kev." Pink answered. "Mines in Jodi's car." Donny sighed. "Doesn't matter, just pull in facing that way."

Pink and Dawn shared a look. "Are you gonna hoist it." Donny smiled. "Just need Junior as a lookout." 

"I don't want to get in trouble." Kev started. "Pink, Dawn?" Both shook their heads. "I don't know about this Donny." Dawn told the boy. "It'll be fine Cherry." He winked at the girl before pulling away Mitch.

Dawn rolled her eyes at the boy. "Fucking idiot." She muttered, earning agreements from Kev and Pink. She noticed the nervous look on Steph's face.

"Hey Steph it's gonna be fine."  She told the younger girl. "You sure?" She nodded. "Donny wouldn't risk us getting in trouble for this." She put an arm around the girls shoulder. 

"Let's go!' Donny yelled as they got back in the car. Before Kev could drive a gun pointed through the window.

Everyone froze. "Don't try anything or I'll shoot the shit out of you." Dawn took a hold of Steph's hand and felt her other latch onto Pink's whose arm also draped across the back.

"Don, give back the beer man." Kev turn to him. "I paid for the beer man." Donny told him. Kev mouthed 'what the fuck'. "You busted my mailbox."

Dawn looked between her friends nervously. "Look me in the eyes punk." He shouted at Kev. "I don't know what you're talking about, but I suggest that you-" He started to lie. 

"Tampering with mailboxes is a felony offense." He snapped. "Now I done called the police, I think you boys oughta get out the car.

Dawn made eye contact with Donny before looking to the gear shift. He nodded, slowly setting his hand on it. "Kev get ready to go." She whispered to the boy.

"Go, go, go, go!" Donny shouted as he shift the car. Kev quickly sped away, knocking the man to the ground. 

Gun shots sounded behind the car. "Down." Pink and Dawn shoved down the freshman but their hands stayed locked.

"Holy shit." Donny muttered once we turned a corner. "That was crazy man." Kev laughed. The older teens in the back released hands, both blushing.

Dawn sighed lighting a cigarette. "Crazy as hell." She muttered before the four laughed. 

She noticed the the freshman were still shaken up, their hands locked. She smiled gesturing for Pink to look. He held the same grin of excitement.

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