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They tell you to live
with fire in your heart
to fall so utterly in love with yourself
that those who hate you
quail at your flame

They tell you to fly
without fear in your heart
to brush fingers with the sun and moon
so when life becomes heavy
you have memory of freedom

They tell you to love
with passion in your heart
to marry your best friend in the world
you'll spend your life with them
might as well enjoy it

They tell you to smile
with sunlight in your face
clawing its way up from within
to show through your teeth
that's how you win

They don't tell you it burns
with agony in your throat
singeing your guts and muscle
turning your bones to ash
so you blow away

They don't tell you it dies
with knots in your guts
and a wedding band on a platter
best friends don't always stay
and diamonds aren't forever

They don't tell you it freezes
with ice on your tongue
and frost on your lips once stained gold
the sky is cold and lonely
so very much like you

They don't tell you it weighs
like souls and regret
it tastes like ash and bitterness
and in the end all you have
is a pile of dust

Of Dances and DeathHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin