Tell Me Again

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Tell me again
how the ocean loves the shore
so much
she has pressed against it,
run to it and been pulled back
and ran again
for eons.

Tell me again
how the ocean loves the shore
so much
she scatters shells across her breast
and whispers "keep them safe
for me."
and the shore whispers back
"for you."

Tell me again
how the ocean loves the shore
so much
that she carries pieces
of it with her
borne atop the crests
of waves.

And tell me again
how the shore loves the ocean
so much
that she moves to fill
the gap
between herself and
the ocean's frothy
white currents.

Tell me again
how the shore loves the ocean
so much
that she keeps pieces of it
within herself
surrounded by stones
so she can always whisper
"I love you."

Tell me again
how the shore loves the ocean
so much
that she wraps herself around it
embraces it
to protect it from the world

And tell me again
how I love you.

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