Chapter one

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Chapter 1


Everybody always told me that I would die as a nobody. I remember being in school when the crash was heard. I sat in the front row, spinning a pen between my fingers and trying to focus on the last class of the day. Our teacher stood in front of the class trying, without luck, to teach a tired class about different atoms PH-value. The clock rang and announced that the eighth period was over. Celina walked over to me while I threw my bag over my shoulder. "What do you want to do today?" she asked. I think I looked confused when I answered "Today? I am working today." She frowned "You said we would hang out today. Look I have it in my calendar," she pulled up her phone and held it in front of my face. Her bright green background stinged my eyes, I grabbed her wrist to pull away her phone so I could see. Her calendar was full of unnecessary things like "Clean the litter box," so it took me a while to find the date. In a pink square with a unicorn sticker it said "Hang out with Maya." The square under the first one attracted my eye and I read "Ask Maya what to do today." This one was in a blue box with a skateboard and a chair. The moment I read it, a notice dinged and both texts were the motive. She took the phone down. I sucked in a breath between my teeth. "Yeah, I have to work today." "No, not again. This is like the fifth time you bailed on me," she said and looked unhappy. "On the other hand you have a lot of other things to do today," I said and grabbed her phone. "Here," I pointed at another square in the calendar "cut toenails, say goodnight to brother and fill the salt vessel." She looked at her phone and thought about a clever answer "Well, I didn't see them. I am packed for the day. Sorry but we have to hang out another time." I smiled at her as she turned her back to me and pretended to be in a hurry. I laughed out loud and walked up to Miss Davis and said goodbye as I always did. Celena stood in the doorway and waited for me. I followed her out of the classroom as a girl stared at us.

She tried to start a conversation on the way to our lookers "What are you going to do at work today?" "I think something with chromosomes," I said when we reached Celena's locker. "That sounds boring as hell," she groaned. "Then it is a good thing that you are not the one helping Mr Duchku," I laughed. "Indeed," She walked up to her locker and spun it to the familiar code she taught me on my first day here so I could go get stuff for her. The locker made a squeaking sound when it opened and a textbook fell out and down to the floor. I picked up the blue textbook and read the text on the front page "May or may not happen," it read. "What is this?" I asked her and held it out in front of her. She looked at it a few seconds and then at me "A stupid project," she sounded odd. "Are you lying?" She usually just lied when my birthday was coming up. "No, why would I be lying?" she asked and tried not to look in my eyes. I started to flip the pages in the textbook however she pulled it out of my hands "Stop that!" I decided to let it go. She pulled out her jacket and handbag then closed the locker and spun the code. We started to walk over to my locker and I thought about my work as a helper to Mr Duchku, a teacher in biologi, with his classes. It was a fun job with a lot of opportunities.

The hall was full of students in a rush to get home. Almost all lockers were open and the people with lockers under stood between other students and the lockers. Celena saw her math teacher and ran up to her. As I waited for her to finish talking I looked around. Suddenly a loud sound appeared out of nowhere. And then a robotic voice called "An earthquake is approaching," another loud sound "Everybody lay down on the floor," nobody moved. The quiet was loud though it was cut off when someone came running. "Down!" he ran from the teacher's room with his hands waving in the air. "Everybody down! Now!" I remember thinking 'Poor bastard to get this role in a drill,' but that was the last thing he said. A few seconds later the ground started shaking. Papers, textbooks and computers poured out of lockers. A few people fell over, the man who ran threw himself at the floor with his hands on his head. The locker stand beside him started to move and as the screws in the walls detached it fell. I saw it tipp over and landed on the man. He got crushed and after that happened a red puddle took shape beside it. I got an extreme flashback and had to turn away from it. Chaos broke out and everybody tried to run to their friends. If I wasn't so terrified it would be entertaining. I tried to find Celena but a rock hard body slammed against me and I fell to the ground.

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