Chapter six

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Chapter 6


I stood in the entrance and watched when Theo, Celena and Maya looked professional. They carried my former best friend into one of the rooms and even though I wanted to see how he was doing but there was one thing I had to do first. I strolled over to the car and opened Olivia's door. She was sleeping, she looked so peaceful when she slept. I looked at her blue hands and made a decision. I put one of my hands under her legs and the other on her back. I lifted her gently and shaked her a little so her head was against me. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked at me. "I can walk on my own," her voice was weak. "I know you can but I wanted to be nice to you, considering that everybody left without you and the fact that you are going to freeze to death." I thought she would fight to get me away from her but she relaxed, I carried her into the hospital and sat her in one of the chairs. I walked out to the car again to get the sleeping bag. I walked past her and over to the dressing room. She didn't follow me so I held out my hand. She stood up on shaky legs, she walked over to me and took my hand for support. We went into the room and I threw the bag in the open showers. Olivia walked after me as I put two of the showers on. "Undress," I told her while I screwed at the slider. "Why would I?" She asked with a harsh tone. "Because otherwise you will freeze to death," I tried to stay calm. "I won't undress in front of you and besides, I am not cold anymore," she tried to keep her teeth from clapping together but failed. "If I let you shower alone you might faint without me knowing." She put her hands over her chest. "I have seen you naked Olivia," I told her and looked into her eyes. The contact through our eyes made me see the exact second she caved. "Can you atleast turn around?" She sighed. I turned to the sleeping bag and started to wash it. I tried to fill it but it didn't work. "Maybe if you turn it inside out it will get easier," Olivia suggested. I turned to her to say something stupid but the words got lost on my tounge. She stood in front of me with no clothes whatsoever. I think I made some kind of sound. Her perfect curves and shimmering skin got me hyperventilating. She walked around me to the warmed up shower and stepped into the water. It ran over her body and down the drain. I cleared my throat and started to take her advice with the sleeping bag. She laughed a little. "What?" My voice shakes a little. "Did you think that wasn't noticeable or something?" She was obviously talking about my weird sounds and breathing, "Forgive me but I just have a hard time not looking at you, you are so beautiful." She looked me in my eyes, like she was trying to find a lie behind the words. She was looking in vain because there were no lies.

I got the bag faily clean and Olivia warm. When she was dressing again I didn't look at her, simply because I didn't want her to feel any more unsure. I hung the sleeping bag over a chair in the room to drip off. We walked out of the room and sat down in the chairs. "How could you?" I asked. Olivia looked at me, shocked. "How could you break up with me to be with my best friend?" She sighed. "I could ask you the same." I scrunched up my eyebrows "Maya, the blue eyed one?" Olivia nodded. "How did you move on from this so quickly? I had planned to break up with you for months and you looked completely crushed but now you are just over me?" "Months?" I asked her and her face dropped. "I didn't mean..." "Whatever," I complained. "It is in the past." I stood up and walked into the room where they had disappeared into. They all stood around a hospital bed with bloody papers all over the floor. I looked over Theo's shoulder to see better. Samuel looked like he was in a lot of pain when Maya and Theo dabbed towels and paper on his wounds. Celena looked like she was doing nothing until I saw that she held a little white pill, painkillers I guessed. "What are you doing here?" Celena asked and looked at me. "You are supposed to take care of the girl." "She can take care of herself," I snorted. Celena rolled her eyes and tried to push the pill into Samuel's mouth but he spitted it out. I looked around and spotted a cart, I filled it with bloody towels.

I got out of the room as fast as I could after the towels were in the cart, the sense of blood gave me a headache. My eyes traveled to the chair where I left Olivia but she didn't sit in the chair, she was on the floor. I ran to her and helped her up. "Olivia?" She probably passed out from the adrenaline going down. "I'm okay," she opened her eyes and sat up on her chair again. "Help me wash away samuels blood from white towels?" She smiled a little and stood up.

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