Chapter five

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Chapter 5


I watched him when he took three long steps to the stairs and disappeared. I stood frozen when the realisation hit me, he had abandoned us. I looked over to the principal again who then laughed a booming laugh that bounced from wall to wall. "Your precious friend has left you." "He will come back for us" Celena shouted in his face. I wanted to believe her words but his action of leaving without any hesitation made me doubt it. "Oh dear, don't you understand? You will be down here for a lot longer than you think and that boy... made the right decision." His smile melted of and he turned to walk away. "What do you mean by that?" I asked with a powerful voice that sounded nothing like my own. "You will find out eventually," he said without turning to us. All of them walked out of the room from both sides of the room. I ran to one of the stairs but a hand shoved me back when I tried to get into the starwell. A door slammed in my face when I stood up. A loud click as the door locked, I didn't cut any slack and tried for the other door. My foot slipped and this door also got slammed right before me. The door clicked and the sound bounced in my head for far longer than a healthy head would. I sat there, waiting on nothing and everything. The door opened again and the principal's head popped out. "I found this in the stair and thought you might want it," He threw a little black thing on the floor and closed the door before I could even stand up. The little thing slid across the floor and bumped into my knee. It was a phone. "We got your phone at least," I held it up for Celena to see. "We won't need it because he is coming back any minute." "When did you get that faith in him?" I asked and rolled my eyes. "I saw it in the way he moved, he is coming back." "You saw nothing, okay?" A door slammed far away and the sound echoed down the stairs and into the room where we were. "He isn't coming back and he is not our friend. How can you be that stupid?" Celena stared at me and started to talk but I was not finished. "He just left without a glance at us and the door up there just closed, get that into your mind Celena!" I was shouting at her now. "He is probably already home and we are going to stay here for the rest of the weekend." Celena looked away from me and started walking to a corner of the room, she sat down on the floor. Her eyes drifted to me and I stood up. I walked over to her and gave her the phone. She clicked the button to start it "No battery" she mumbled to herself. She pulled out a charger from her pocket "This is why I wanted to go back." She plugged the charger into the wall and the phone. It vibrated a little and a flash symbol appeared on the screen. "I'm sorry for yelling at you, it's just that I know he won't come back." Celena looked up "Yes Maya, yes he will."

"What did the principal mean with 'The big earthquake is going to take everything in its path.' it sounded like you knew what he talked about." Celena swallowed hard "Do you remember the textbook in my locker?" I nodded "Do you also remember what it said?" I thought to myself for a moment "Can happen but won't?" Celena laughed a little "May or may not happen. That book is what I write when I feel that something about the weather is important." "Because you study the weather?" Celena nodded "Yes. But these last months scientists have found... impossible changes." I scrunched up my forehead. "There is going to be an extreme earthquake sometime in the near future. That was what they were talking about. They are closing the school until they know more, to give people the time to escape." I felt nauseous. "This is why I need him to come back, because if he doesn't... there is a good chance we are going to die down here." "We are going to die," I whispered. "We are not going to die Maya." "Get it into your head Celena!" I screamed in her face "Nobody is coming to save us and there is nothing you can do about it!" My vision started to blur and I felt like throwing up. "Are... okay?" "What?" It sounded like I was talking in a tube when I tried to understand why Celena talked like that. Her mouth moved and she moved her hand in front of my face. Everything went black for a second before my head started to spin. Celena's facial expression said everything but calm. "What is going on?" I tried to say but didn't hear myself. The air turned hot and soon disappeared. I breathed faster and faster until I was hyperventilating. My eyesight disappeared again. 'Were I dying?' I sat there for what felt like an hour. Celena suddenly tackled me to the ground and held me there despite my attempts to kick her off. I felt soft fingers on my open eyelids as she closed my eyes. She placed both her hands on my chest and pumped them slowly there. I could do nothing but breathe at the pace she decided.

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