Chapter two

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Chapter 2


I sat outside of school with a cigarette in my hand. Samuel sat beside me, trying to find the little plastic bag he always had in his bag to throw the cigarette butts in. I looked at the little stick that could kill, this little paper-covered bark is a deathtrap. "I can't find it," Samuel sighed and took the cigarette from my hand. He pulled out a lighter. With a swift motion both the lighter and cigarette had a little flame on them. The flames died down and Samuel put the little thing to his mouth and breathed in. "Want some?" he held the cigarette out to me and I frowned. He started laughing and breathed in more of it. A barely visible cloud of smoke rised from his mouth. I made a gagging sound and he laughed again. I blew in my hands to not freeze. We sat there for a few minutes and the cigarette got shorter by the second.

My phone started to vibrate and I stood up to get it out of my pocket. It was Liv but the screen showed it as Babe with three red hearts. "Who is it?" Samuel asked and breathed out another cloud, I ignored him and answered the call. "Hi Liv," My voice was lower than usual. "Hey babe, the craziest thing just happened," she started. I groaned and sat down again, when she started like that I knew it was going to be a long call. "So I had biologi and it was about some Hp stuff," "Ph," I interrupted her. "Whatever '' I rolled my eyes "When I walked out I tried to talk to the girl you lived with," I boiled immediately. "You what?" "You know the girl from the orphanage when you were young, I tried to talk to her," I stood up and took a few steps away from Samuel. "Ehm okay, what did you say?" I closed my eyes and dragged my hand through my brown hair. "Calm down tiger," she instructed, she knew me too well. "I just asked her if she remembers you but no need to worry anyway because as I said she ignored me," I took a deep breath. "What time does your last lesson end?" She asked and I imagined her leaning against her locker with a pen in her hand. I looked down to my wrist where a watch rested "Half past two," I could hear her sigh on the other end. "Stop lying Bran," She said and sounded harsh "I know you are outside of school." "What, how?" I asked her without thinking "Because I am on my way to your lesson now and you are talking to me." I swor inside "No, I am on my lesson and I am waiting for you," crap why did I say that?. "Okay, see you there then," a beep was heard and I started running. "Hey man, where are you going?" Samuel asked behind me "Problems with Liv," I answered him.

I bursted through the doors to almost crash into a woman who shouted swear words at me as I continued running. People moved when they saw me speed through the long hall, probably scared to get hit. A message got shouted out through the speakers but I did not pay it any attention because it seemed to always talk. I got to the stairs and took two at a time. I flinched when the ground started to shake a little but soon continued running. "Hey man, where are you going?" a voice behind me asked, I turned around to find Theo looking at me. "I am going to class," I shouted to him while running backwards. "Class ended an hour ago," he shouted back. "I know but I have to meet..." Suddenly I collided with another human. They fell to the ground under my weight and did not move. A thousand thoughts ran through my head, but before making any hasty conclusions I rolled off of them and sat up by their side. I looked around the hall to find that everybody was looking at the end of the hall where a locker had fallen. Everybody laid on the floor so I did the same thing "Hello, are you okay?" I asked them before I looked at them, it was Lady. I knew she had another name but she always got so mad at the orphanage when I called her that so it stuck.

I tried to shake life into her, scream in her ear and I even punched her arm, hard. Everybody started looking at me as I tried to get her back to consciousness. Her eyes fluttered a little and I repeated the question from before "Are you okay?" She opened her eyes all the way from the sound of my voice. She tried to sit up and I started helping her then I saw a little bloodstain on the floor, so I dragged her down again. "I am sorry that I knocked you over," I said and tried to sound soft. She looked confused as she looked around. The blood on her head grew at the movement. "I need to find you a bandage or something," I said to her to make sure she knew it was serious. My head started to move without my consent. I looked at the teachers room, they must have bandages in there or maybe a bandaid, I could even settle for a pad. I took a run for it before my brain could grip it. I flung my legs under me to shoot me forwards. Before I could shoot forward like a bullet somebody grabbed my foot and I slammed against the floor. My head bounced a little when it hit the ground and before my head could process the sequence of events Lady was on her feet, walking away from me. My head felt like a rotten banana as I tried to concentrate on what Lady did. When I failed to see if she walked away from me or toward me I turned to the one who had pulled my foot. I looked towards them and of course it was Carolina Jeffrey. I realised why Lady had stood up and left because Carolina's lips were moving but I did not hear a thing. She probably pissed Lady off and I could not hear it. "What?" I said, way too loud from her expression. " disrespectful," her voice disappeared and came back every few seconds.

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