mcyt: savory

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word count: 7225

Fandom: IRL!MCYT
Pairing: Quackity x Male!Reader
Pronouns: He/Him
Relationship: Romantic
Occupation: Baker
Ability: N/A


[M/N]: Male Name
[H/C]: Hair Color
[E/C]: Eye Color
[D/N]: Dog Name

Warnings: cringey

I like making my oc's and even readers really tall, fight me.

this is hella gay and it hurts my brain because I rushed it.

that is all.

that is all

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That was the only thought going throughout Quackity's mind as he ran along the streets, why you may ask. Simple really, it's because he lost his gorgeous pet cat, Tiger. Sure, he knew that Tiger was quite adventurous and most certainly feisty, but never would have thought that Tiger would run off so suddenly as he did, he immediately sprung into action and fled his house in search of his dear sweet pet cat.

"Tiger! Oh please, where did you go? Tiger!" he called out rather frantically, soon enough, worry started to arise when countless scenarios started playing throughout his head. What if Tiger got hit by a car? What if Tiger got mauled by another animal? What if someone took his cat?! Now the panic was starting to kick in and he was searching in a more frantic manner, running up and down the footpath while continuously calling out his cat's name. When everything seemed dire, he heard the sound of soft laughter, he turned his head and he couldn't help but freeze up at the sight before.

He wasn't really one to act as flustered as he did at the very moment with his outgoing and flamboyant personality, but he really couldn't help it at what was before him. He also had to agree that George had the pretty privilege and was most certainly gorgeous, but this guy took the cake. Short/Long [H/C] hair with strikingly bold [E/C] eyes, even from a fair he could tell that this rather attractive male had quite a broad and muscular body and that smile that graced his face that caused a slight tint of red to dust his cheeks as he played with a cat. Wait-- cat? He took a closer look and his eyes widened in a mixture of relief and shock at the sight of Tiger curled up beneath this man, showing his underside so he could scratch his belly.

"Hey! That's my cat!" he shouts as he rushes over, this sudden commotion caused the man to stop petting Tiger and raise his head to turn over to where Quackity was currently rushing over, he nearly stumbled over his own footing when his [E/C]'s landed on him.

"Oh? I'm sorry." he apologized, he tried standing to his feet but laughed when Tiger launched himself forward and clung onto the shirt of the stranger, who laugh as he held Tiger close so he couldn't fall, laughing even more when the cat curled up in his arms and started purring when he started scratching under his chin "I didn't know he was yours, kind of distracted me when he was sprawled all over the footpath." Quackity returned the kind smile with a rather nervous one, rubbing the back of his neck when he realized just how tall the man in front of him was, probably about 6″3-4ft tall.

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