" Hey! Gimme back my glasses! " Monty x Cheeky! Child reader

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Thank you so so much for the votes! It really warms my heart to see you guys are liking the book so far ( even if I have only posted 1 part- )

Let's get into it!

No one's POV:
Monty Golf was bustling with the sounds of children enjoying themselves, and the gators in the river presenting their terrifying teeth.

You however, found it all quite overwhelming and decided to explore the more, secluded parts of the park.

What you didn't know, was that a certain sharp toothed bass-player had the same idea.
Your POV:
" Finally, a place away from all of the noise! " you exclaimed. Were you even allowed back here? Who really cares, as long as you get some time to yourself.

" I wonder if I'll get in trouble if I get caught? Nah, I'll be fine. Besides, if I do then I'll have something to brag about to Jayden! " You said deviously.

Jayden always likes to brag about the cool stuff that happens to him, like how he got into a fight with another kid at school over a box of crayons.

" Yeah! I even got a black eye from it. I'm so cool! ". You can't even remember the number for how many times he's said that..

" Stupid Jayden..I'll show him. " you mumbled, before a yawn emitted from you. You have to admit, all that running around really did wear you out.

" I guess I could just take a nap right here...a short one. " Lazily, you plopped down on the ground, leaning up against the wall. Another yawn emitted from you before you were out cold.
Monty's POV:
" Jeez, sometimes I really wonder where those kids get all their energy from..probably from all the fizzy-faz's they drink within an hour. " I grumbled.

I walked down the hidden corridor within Monty Golf. I really just needed some peace and quiet.
These loud kids could probably destroy my sound
Processor if they wanted to!

Leaning up against the wall, I took off my sunglasses and propped them on the top of my head. Besides the soft whirring of the vents and machines around me, it was peaceful. I laid back into the wall, enjoying the little " break " I got.


Well that sure didn't last long.

I opened my eyes, frowning at the fact my peace was ruined by someone sleeping. Very. Loud.

" Who in the hell would even be back here..? " I grumbled, pushing myself off of the wall and putting my glasses back on.

Only one way to find out.

I started to follow the direction the snores were coming from, determined to find who was responsible for them.

Finally, I managed to find who it was. They were snoozing happily on the ground near the lost and found area. It was a..kid?

" Now why in the...y'know what, nevermind. Just focus on getting the kid outta' here. "

Kneeling down, I gently shook their shoulder in attempt to wake them up.

" Ey', little guy. C'mon time to wake up. You can't be back here. "
Your POV:
Groggily, I opened my eyes. Being half asleep, I didn't yet realize that there was a 6'0, colorful looking gator in front of me. But once I did, I can tell you I almost crapped my pants.

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