" I'm too tired for this.. " Monty x Employee! Reader ( part 2. )

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Hello hello! I decided since it seems like Monty got a lotta attention in my last chapter, why not make a part two?

Thank you to JoanneHendershot for the idea! And to all of you who read my story! :D

Course, Monty is still kinda teasing in this oneshot, but then he goes all soft and cuddly~

No one's POV:
Finding somewhere to sleep was easier said than done. First, the security bots were everywhere and sure weren't quiet. The sound of their wheels squeaking against the tile floors weren't considered white noise.

Then there were the map bots.

You couldn't even take a seat without them coming up to you and shoving the god forsaken paper in your face( you even got a paper cut on your nose- )

You thought about settling in one of the attractions, but that plan soon backfired.

You'd forgotten the fact that fazerblast ALSO had bots running around everywhere, and Roxy Raceway was under construction. The bowling alley was locked and the Mazersize smelt like sweaty, old pizza ( which wasn't really surprising ).

So that left you with where you were currently. Monty Golf.

Ah Déjà vu.
Your POV:
Maybe he's already gone back to his room to charge? I hope so. I though to myself as I walked into the familiar bayou themed golf course.

Just by observing the very oddly shaped golf course, it was quite obvious that there weren't any places that were considered comfortable.

" Guess the catwalks will do. Question is...how do I even get up to them?? " I pondered before realizing that I could go through the technical room, pass by the janitors closet, and then walk up the stairs next to the shelves containing all the golfing gear.

" They really need to give a map for employees only.. " I grumbled, before walking down the path and up the stairs.

Once I'd reached the top, I was greeted with the darkness of a long hallway.

" Great..and I don't even have my flashlight either.. " I cursed myself, realizing I'd left it in the locker rooms by accident.

" Well at least I still have my phone. Not very helpful, but it'll do. " I reached into my back pocket and pulled it out, turning it on and maxing out the brightness setting. Then, I started my way down the hallway.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't pissing my pants.

" Alright (Y/N)...calm the hell down..you're the only one up here, maybe- "

" Are ya so sure 'bout that, sweetheart? " I heard a deep voice in my ear.

" WHAT THE FUCK—?! " I screeched, before turning the other way to run the other direction before I felt a cold, metallic tail wrap around my waist and pull me into another cold, yet familiar chest.

I began to wriggle, like a butterfly caught in the web. A quite sad attempt to escape  but it was quite an entertaining display to a specific gator. A deep chuckle emitted from the bass player as he wrapped him arms around me, only increasing my shivering.

" What's with the struggle, hun'? It's onl' me. " He spoke, his grip starting to loosen once I'd settled down.

" Well how am I supposed to react when a suspicious looking figure grabs me out of the darkness like that..?! You sure are an annoying one, Monty.. " I grumbled, my heartrate slowing down to a much slower pace.

" Aw, no need to insult me like that. I jus' wanted to surprise ya, is all. " He said, a mischievous grin adorning his face.

" Yeah, and surprise me you did.. " I mocked his tone, finally being set free from his monstrous grip. " I am gonna get you back, just so you know. ".

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