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Louis reached for a bag in the back and pulled out a black button-up shirt.
"Here, try this on."

"You got more clothes in your car than I got in my whole closet." Harry chuckled.

"I'm an actor. You always have to be prepared for anything." Louis grinned.

Harry looked at the shirt.
"Nice. Is this Bon Jovi's?"

"No. Just put it on." Louis giggled and found something to wear himself.

"Am I supposed to act like I'm some big Hollywood-producer type or something?" Harry grinned.

"Just be yourself. Except maybe don't mention the whole diaper thing." Louis smirked.

Harry just shook his head in amusement. They hurried to get changed, glancing at each other when their jumpers came off. When they looked representable Louis drove them to the party.
"Hey, can I ask you something?" Harry said.

"What?" Louis questioned.

"What was strike one?" Harry wondered.

"Huh?" Louis worded.

"In Dublin? Strike two was that I didn't play guitar. Strike three was that I was born under the wrong star sign. What was strike one?" Harry asked.

Louis glanced at him with an amused smile on display.
"Strike one was that I had to make the first move."

Harry's mouth fell open.
"I got strike one before we even met? You can't get strike one before you step up to the plate."

"Well..." Louis smiled.

They arrived at the party and headed inside. Harry couldn't drop the subject.
"I introduced myself."

"What?" Louis asked as he scanned the crowd looking for his friends.

"In Dublin. I introduced myself. That's not a move?" Harry questioned.

"Who called who today?" Louis retorted.

"I didn't have your number!" Harry protested while they made their way through the crowd.

"You never asked." Louis grinned and spotted Liam. He waved and Liam came over.

"You came! And with a man in tow." Liam said and was eyeing Harry curiously.

"This is Liam." Louis introduced his friend.

"Hi, I'm Harry." He extended a hand for Liam to shake. "I sell diapers." He added.

"Well, it's nice to meet you." Liam greeted and shook his hand.

"Hello, mates!" Zayn said as he came over.

"I think I'll get a drink." Harry said and walked to the bar.

Liam and Zayn watched him leave and turned to Louis.
"Who is he?"

"An old friend." Louis said.

"I wish I had an old friend that looked like that. He's gorgeous." Liam replied.

"Come on, give it up." Louis giggled. He raised his eyes and spotted his old boyfriend chatting to some guy and gasped.

"Uh-oh. Very carefully, I want you to move backward in the direction of the bar." Zayn said and grabbed Louis' arm. Louis stared at his ex who looked really friendly with the other man and slowly moved backward. He ordered shots and hid his face in his hands.

In the meantime, Harry called his sister while he was waiting for the bartender to fix him a drink.
"Gemma, it's me."

"Yeah?" Gemma said.

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